
If you play with a ouiji board, do the spirits follow you?

by Guest60625  |  earlier

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kayy so liike a few days ago me annd my friends were sitting in library and they wanted to make a ouiji board. i thought it was kinda wierd but then i agreed to try it ouut even though i knew it wouldnt work-- cos i would never play with a real one.

but today me and my friend printed out a ouiji board full size and yea.. but now i wanna buy a real one.. i dont know why but i jus wanna look at it for some odd reason.. i grew up in a christian family- - even though im not one myself anymore.. but i knoe better then to be messing with that stuff.

..i know where to buy it.

im not gonna play with it

but i jus wanna know.. if i ever do play with it(which i doubt) would the spirits follow me?.. like if they were bad ones?




  1. No, it's just a board game.  You make it what you want.....your mind can play tricks on you and that's usually what happens when you play with them.

  2. i personally really, REALLY don't think so...

    but if you're freaked out, they say christians have the power 2 drive out spirits, so you don't need to worry.

  3. An ouiji board is just a party/sleep over game, with no more spirit summoning power that a scary movie. It's just ment to spook you, but there's no negitive after effects.

  4. What's the difference if you make one or if you buy a 'real' one?

    Go look up 'ideomotor effect'. You'll feel better.

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