
If you practice martial arts,boxing & jiu jitsu could you take out a bully?

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Ok this girl i know were not friends but i guess she can fight really good she doesnt take any karate or anything but shes ghetto and got hands I just wanted to know that if any person that takes martial arts & boxing...ect would be abel to win a fight against her shes a bully she loves drama & she admits it & she fights & trys to jump people for no reason! Im sick of it me & her arent cool & she has already tried to start drama with me in the past no one has ever won a fight with her but one girl came close they said it was a tie I am a lover & a fighter because i fight for what i love & im not going to fight her unless she starts it but i want to learn these skills just in case i ever have to fight her or anyone else C=


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  1. martial arts requires a lot of discipline,,,its self defence,,,if you want to learn so u can beat some one up,forget it,martial arts are not 4 u....

    boxing.....i believe is the way 4 u 2 go

  2. If you really practice martial arts, then you will defeat her by not fighting.

    Have fun figuring that one out.

  3. Ok I'm going to get philosophical here...

    A man walks into a club and sits down at the bar. He orders a drink and starts to scan the room. All of a sudden he feels a crack to the side of the head. Shocked, he turns to see a small solid Asian man who says "Punch learned from Karate". The man decides to let it go and continues having a drink. About 30 minutes later he feels another solid hit to the head. Once again the Asian man is standing there and says "Knee learned from Muay Thai". The man is a little confused but decides to let it go. About an hour later while watching the game on the big screen he feels another hit to the head. He spins around and the little asian man is once again standing there. He says "Roundhouse Kick learned from Hapkido". By this point the man is fuming and dwells on the situation for a while. Suddenly he gets up and leaves. About an hour later he returns. The little asian man is sitting at a table when all of a sudden he feels a huge crack to the back of his head. Laying on the floor he looks up to see the other man standing there. He asks "What was that?" The man replies "Baseball bat from walmart!"

    What I'm trying to get across is that Martial arts wont guarantee a win. They will increase your chances of defence and spotting the right time to run or stand your ground.

    It would take a few months maybe years depending on how hard you train before you have enough skill to fight properly.

    If you are that keen look for MMA it has all the best techniques from every martial art.

  4. firstly the  best way to take on bully is to show him/her that you are not scared of them. if they are the type that just talks then a simple wreckage would do. however you must be ready for a brall. the martials arts you mentioned are good espestially for ghetto fights as they tend to first tackle the person down then bash them . so jui jitsu is very good and practical for this. while boxing ext will give you the strenght/fitness you would require to take on a ghetto fighter. as they are generally ******* and they attack in gands. if you do join a martial arts tell your instructer your problem so he can indirectly make the lessons very useful for you.

  5. I have a 7th dan black belt in origami if that's any help

  6. Hmmmm. In this short period of time you couldn't learn a martial art and be any good so I guess kickboxing would be good. Or krav maga. Cause boxing sucks really bad

  7. dont think that you are superman just because you take martial arts, the best thing to do is not fight at all

  8. Martial arts are not for taking out bullies...

    they are for defending yourself.

    Show your dramatic talents, work well with her in drama and leave it at that.

  9. if you train in MMA then you can take her out in a few seconds....

    but violence is not the am i kidding,  ya it is!!!!!

  10. No it's more of a will to actually do it. Can you really reach that limit and kill her? If you can't then don't fight because there is a chance that your going to have to kill her.  You don't need Martial Arts to be a fighter. Just understand your situations and use what is easiest for you to win a fight.

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