
If you published a book about your life...?

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or a certain event in your life What would it be called? and what genre would it be? Lol

How about a film...what would it be called?

If you were the director of your "life story film" (wat a mouthful) then who would you choose as the cast? Lol




  1. "A lonely heart" would be the name of the book and the movie....

    It would be a drama, with some light hearted moments here and there.

    I would choose any actor with curly hair like mine =)

  2. The book would be called ' The lightness of breath'

    The name of the film would be the same and i would have Jennifer Connelly play me because she is the only person people have ever said i look like and she is a pretty good actress too.  

  3. Struggle and Gain.

  4. "useless moments"

    i always think that we remember our life and we remember whome we love or hate as moments .. not the full life itself .. most of these moments seems not that important at that time

    so i will describe my life in a very sarcastic way .. remembering few moments only .. kinda forrest gump style ..

    it won't be my life as much how life was around me


    okay ..

    "Penalty Kick"

    i will find a story around it : p

    it is a fiction story of how i almost quit football after i missed an important penalty kick, but then i was able to return back to the football game

  5. " oh you've gotta laugh or you'll cry! " Lots of heartache, tinged with humorous episodes.

    Good Luck. X :-)

  6. It would be a play on my first and last name.


    If it was a film, I'd want the rapper Common to play me, since we resemble each other.

  7. Off the top of my head the title would be (Surviving) and it would be about the most defining aspect of my life, the abuse I experienced as a child and the outcome as an adult in helping others escape the trauma and terror of abuse. It would also include the positive aspects of my life since then and how I was able to overcome the trauma and hatred for my father and build a life that was full of success. I don't know for sure who I would cast as each character, but I would want them to resemble the real people as much as possible.

  8. the luck of life

    the tough the struggle the greatness

    tears to death

    what to do when everyone "dissapears"  

  9. i'll never publish a book about my i don't know:D

  10. Blackbird

  11. It'd be called 'A Look Inside' and it'd be drama all the way!!

  12. it will be fiction wit non fiction... i wouldnt really wanna bore the reader out with my life story... it will be like a boring biography lol

    i dont have a title for the movie yet ... cause my life hasnt a climax yet!!!

    hmmm... abt the cast..... donno who can fill in the desciptions of the ppl in ma life  

  13. Title "Both feet on the floor" and i'm actually seriously thinking of writing it as my life has been one h**l of a roller coaster ride and would be a definite good read.

  14. the end of a beggining

    i really don't know why

  15. My book would be called "Acid Rain and Calor Gas", my film would be the same, with the subtitle.... "Hide the bloody matches !"

  16. It would b called "eat ur heart out"

    Dedicated to my struggles and a little nose rubbing for all of those idiots in my early life who thought I would fail.

    hmm,,,who would act on my movie,,hmmm.

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