
If you pulled up behind a Police car at a red light?

by  |  earlier

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and the light turned green and he did not pull away, would you beep your horn at him?




  1. No... I would sit quietly and wait...

    I know that if he is having a bad day, he could blow my head off and then make me the culprit...  

  2. You bet I would . I have . The cop just wasn't paying attention . They are human too.  

  3. Probably not, im a scared little p**a.

  4. Only if you want to get pulled over and have your car searched and a lengthy background and records check run.

  5. Depends on the amount of time. If he's there for a really long time, I might give a little beep. Maybe not, lol, I don't know. Depends on how much I've had to drink ;)

  6. well yer probably, if he then came out the car and strated walking over to me, i would quickly pull out my knife that i keep under my seat, cut my thumb off and say, nows not a good time i have recently accidently sliced my thumb off and i am rushing to the hospital. bye now    

  7. Yes, we don't mind

  8. no way! worked for a police station, theyd find a reason to pull you over later.

  9. No.  Just give him a second then he will be on his way.  If you beep him, he might just make you wait even longer and see if you pass him then he will give you a ticket for something.  It is not worth it.

  10. I would look to see what he is doing if he is busy i would to get his attention and if he wasn't busy and looking right at the light i would wait a little while give the horn a beep wait a little while and give the horn a three second honk wait a little longer and give the horn another beep and possibly go around him if traffic permitted.

  11. No, Just pull around him...Flip'em off and call them a******s as you speed off...

  12. I would push him thru after honking.  

    (this answer is as practical as the question)

  13. nooooo

  14. h**l no

  15. Yes, he probably needs a heads up that it's time to put down his beer and continue on to Dunkin Donuts

  16. and hurl abuse!

  17. Uh no.  

  18. h**l yea  

  19. no but if i could I would go around him, he'll get the point.

  20. probably not...i would go around

  21. That wouldn't be wise. You have to remember they're cops..they could be getting alerted to some crime taking place..who knows. Would be beyond stupid to try and get the cop to move..they move when they're ready.  

  22. No!

    Likely, I'd check the lane next to me and move over and around as soon as I could.

    He or she could be doing something important or nothing important at all... but to be safe, nope, nope, nope... I wouldn't honk my horn at him or her.

  23. h**l yes!! the dang light its green...i would get pulled over for that!!! ive passed cops in a dotted line before who were going under the speed limit. as long as your not breaking the law speeding ect there is not a thing they can do

  24. yes

  25. YEAH

  26. No way i would wait.

  27. YES! They are not superior to everyone else.

  28. Yes. Even police are required to obey rules of the road.

  29. Yes of course you can! But just be sure you waited a little bit for him/her to notice. Policemen are people just like everyone else. We all get embarrassed when we do something wrong so just be curtious.  

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