
If you put a half bottle of water into the freezer for a few days and shook it the whole time would it freeze?

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If you put a half bottle of water into the freezer for a few days and shook it the whole time would it freeze?




  1. Moving water will freeze if it is cold enough - just look at the rivers in Minnesota during the winter.

    Agitation may slow down the rate, but when it gets cold enoug, nothing can stop liquid water from turning into ice (except the addition of heat).

  2. Depends if you were in there shaking it, or if you are standing there shaking it with the door open. If you were in there shaking it, then yes, it would freeze but you may not notice. If you were holding the door open then the freezer would freeze up or conk out and it's possible the water may cool down.

  3. yes

    shaking the bottle may slow down the freezing process, but the water will still freeze

  4. Probably yes. Shaking slows down the freezing for two reasons, first the agitation hinders the water molecules from bonding together, and second, the shaking warms the water.

    So if the freezer were set where it should be, 0F, yes, it will freeze.

    But possibly if the freezer is warmer, say 20F, and you shake it vigorously enough, the heat from the shaking will keep it from freezing.

  5. No it will not. The water freezes only when molecular vibration of the water molecules decrease to a certain level. If it is continuously shaken, the water molecules are not able to stand still, and do not freeze.

  6. i think it might, it depends how cold it is, if you were standing outside you re freezer with the door open, i don't think it would, where as if you were shaking the freezer, it might.

    not sure

  7. It will still freeze, but more slowly, and its crystalline structure will be different.  It will be very fine grained, since larger crystals wouldn't have a chance to grow.  Also, if it is 'shaken, not stirred', tiny air bubbles will also be trapped inside.

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