
If you put a hot dish in the fridge/freezer, will it cool/freeze more quickly?

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If you put a hot dish in the fridge/freezer, will it cool/freeze more quickly?




  1. What can happen when you put a "HOT DISH" in your fridge/freezer is... the heat from that dish could bring the temperature up. Or it can crack a glass dish due to the warm temperature going from HOT to COLD. I would recommend that you allow your "HOT DISH" to cool down to room temperature before putting this dish into your fridge/freezer.

  2. if you put a hot dish in a freezer it wont necessarily cool quicker.....because the dish is hot, it will start to warm up its closests surrounding objects first, and then it will start to cool!!!

    good luck!!!

  3. heres how it works.

    there is no such thing as cold.

    just lack of heat.

    heat = energy.

    so if a hot dish has a lot of energy and the surroundings have less energy, the dish will give its energy to its surroundings until they reach thermal equilibrium. (they are the same temp)

    so the answer is YES.

  4. lol...... YES. i dont get why some people said NO!!  

    go ahead and put them in the freezer.... it works everytime!

  5. Just be careful it doesn't shatter if it's glass......had that happen and not fun at all.

  6. no it will break

  7. Yes of course.  Things put in the fridge will cool faster than those left out.  Likewise, things in the freezer will cool/freeze faster than those in the fridge..

    don't believe me?  check out the link

    Edit:  to the comment above.. although it's true that a hot dish will warm up the colder things around it.. think where is that heat coming from?!

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