
If you put in a fake birthday on neopets and cant remember it, how do you look it up so you can log in??

by  |  earlier

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If you put in a fake birthday on neopets and cant remember it, how do you look it up so you can log in??




  1. WOW i wish i knew this to lol my sis has been ding to log in her old account and doesn't know the birthday!

  2. The same thing happened to me. I still can't get in.

  3. have one of your neofriends go here (only neofriends know age) :

    they look for your username, they can see your age.

    but they cannot see the entire birthdate, which means you need to have a patient neofriend that would be willing to go on neopets every day for a year, to check if your age changes. when it does, they will know your birthdate, and tell you.

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