
If you put water from the sink into a teapot and boil the water, will it be safe to drink?

by  |  earlier

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Also, the water in the sink is not purified. So, simply put: If you boil water that is not purified, will it be clean enough to drink?




  1. You have standing water in the sink,, NOT the tap..!!

    unless you know there are no soaps or garbage - - Just plain clean tap I say NO way

    boiling does not purify,, it only kill bugs  

  2. yes

  3. if you have city water it is always purified, if you have well water it is usualy a good idea to have it tested annually but if you boil it that will remove most of the impurities exept for the heavy metals

  4. Whenever you boil water, you are sterilizing it. You can drink water out of the toilet that you boiled, and it will be clean.

  5. Plain water from the sink is safe to drink without boiling, unless you have a 'boil water alert' in your area. In which case, yes, once boiledi n the teapot it should be safe.

  6. yes but it might taste a little odd but it willbe safe, let it boil for a few minutes

  7. Boiling water will kill most bacteria. However, it will not remove contaminants such as lead or other pollutants. If your neighborhood has a warning about pollutants in the water, be careful! Boiling may not solve the problem.

  8. yes just make sure you boil it for 5 to ten minutes and  leave it to cool for a while. some granules ( powder like thingie) will form at the bottom, make sure not to include that. the water is good to go!

  9. As long as it comes to a rolling boil it's safe to drink.

  10. Boiling the water will sterilise it.

    I have always use tap water.

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