
If you raise you glass in a toast?

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and someone raises their glass, but doesn't take a drink. Are you offended.




  1. I can't drink alcohol, so instead of making a big deal of refusing, say, a glass of champagne for a toast - I just raise the glass and don't drink.  I've always considered the raising of the glass to be the actual sign of respect.  Now - if the person doesn't raise the glass - you may have a problem.

  2. Yes it is very rude even if you only take a sip. If you are a person who can only drink non alcoholic drinks than that is what should be in your glass. I thik it show lack of respect to the person giving the toast to not drink.

  3. Of all the things to be offended about in the world, this is pretty bottom-rung to me. No I wouldn't get offended.

  4. Yes.  Maybe not full fledged offended, but definitely put off a bit.  It feels like they only did it to humor you, not participate.

  5. IT is an offense.  You must drink, even a sip!

  6. yes they should at the very least take a sip

    but that also depends on the type of drink

    you don't want to down an expensive glass of chardonay

  7. nah - I would never expect someone to drink just because I'm toasting. Maybe at a wake they should, but no other time.

  8. No....maybe they are trying to tell you something...listen

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