Would they make a different choice when they were finally given variety? I will be more specific.
They each have theyre own identical room, they never see anyone, a robot feeds them and even tends to them in while they are in theyre test tubes. They have never had any interactions with anything but the room and the robot. They are both fed the exact same meals the exact same time a day by the exactly the same robot. Born at exactly the same time etc.
But then one day you give them a choice, when you bring them there food, theyre is 3 different meals in 3 different trays, which one will they go to first? Will the clone in the other room make the exact same decision? And if it did, you do this again and again, do you think eventually they would make a different decision? I think so, what do you think?
If they did make a different decision that proves we our more than genetics and products of our environment. So then what does that prove we have a soul or theyre is some