
If you read the Twilight Saga...?

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If you read the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer,

who is really excited for the movie to come out on

12.12.08 ?!

Im really curious to find out how many other people

read the series besides me !!




  1. im like OBSESSED with twilight! when i finished breaking dawn i was sooooooo sad that it was over! I am really excited for the movie too

    i know lots of other people who have read it too

  2. yes i have =D

  3. i cant wait to see the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. This question needs some cynicism.

    All I shall say is that the movie will do to Twilight what the Eragon movie did to Eragon. Ahem, shove Smeyer off her high horse.  

  5. I read them. I am really excited for the move! I think they casted really good actors too. i cant wait!!

  6. mmmmmmeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Yes, I am slightly excited.

    Okay, let's face it, I'm really, really excited. Not only, have I watched the trailers about a million times, but I plan to read the whole series over again before it comes out.

    I am really pleased with the actors and actresses they chose to play the parts. I thought they picked a really, really good Edward and Bella. Although, many people think they picked a bad Edward, which is sad.

    Can't wait for the Twilight movie!

  8. I am sooooo excited! I cannot wait! It is going to be perfect because the cast is exactly how I imagined everyone, especially Bella and Edward. I'll probably wind up going to see it like 45874398 times : ) 118 days!

  9. SOOOO freakin excited!

  10. My Girlfriend is dying to get Breaking Dawn. She has bulltins, countdowns, everything that you can have

  11. AHHH! I'm dying for the movie to come out! There is a theater close by called Edward's Cinemas, and me and ALL my friends are going there opening night! Just cause its Edwards. I'm so in love! LOL. I LOVE THE SERIES. And I cant wait for Midnight Sun!

  12. how many other people read the series besides you?? where've you been the last year??? just about every teenage girl in the world has read these books..>>

    and this isn't a question about books & authors please take it somewhere else

  13. I AM! dude, I am freaking counting down the HOURS and believe me, you are one of many who read em :DD  

  14. me! haha me and my friends reserved that friday for the moviee :]

  15. OF COURSE I'm excited!!!! I can't friggin wait!!!! *hyperventilates*

  16. OMG i cant wait i just finished TWILIGHT an hour ago and I  can't wait  "Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  17. A lot of people have read the books. Just stick around and you'll see.

  18. of course i read the series.

    and im SOOO excited for the movie.

    i have my own countdown lol =)

    i just hope that summit doesnt push the date back like WB did for harry potter and the half blood prince.

    that would totally suck =P

  19. I didn't start reading them until the middle of July, so I read all 4 books in two weeks.  I was hooked instantly.

    I am so excited for the movie!

  20. Pssssh, meee! And alot of my friends who haven't read the series are excited too! I think it's gonna be pretty popular with those who have read (like us) and those who haven't.

    Grr. Can't WAAAAAIT~! ;D

  21. I am pretty excited, but you have to admit, the movie probably won't be that great. LIke Harry Potter, they did a great job casting people, but I don't think the actual movie will follow the book very well!

    If you watched the previews, which I am sure you did, you were probably dissappointed by the mistakes they made in just those parts! I am excited though, because i loved the series!!!



  23. most of my friends are obsessed and got me to read it and i can say that ive enjoyed the series. im excited to see the movie mostly to see how things compare to how i imagined them.

  24. I'm working on the series and I am SO excited for the movie!

  25. yeah this is getting annoying,

    for seeing so many girls post these things.

    i like the twilight saga and read it,

    but im not obsessed.

    call me a hypocrite,but i will see the movie at 12 am. :)


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