
If you really believe in Man made global warming, (Dana & Bob) please answer this.?

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First off, I think it’s a load of c**p. With that said, I would like to ask a hypothetical question.

Suppose you get your way. The powers that be, subject the US to the crippling co2 reductions you insist must take place. In a few years you even convince China and India to trim back. After 2015 the readings show that you plan to reduce co2 emissions has taken effect. The rate continues to drop, by 2050 you are right where you wanted to be, but…… The climate change has not slowed. In fact it is speeding up. By now your UN climate group and all the others who have bit by bit shoved this down our throats come to realize that you were wrong. But in your confidence that you had the formal to save the world, you made no plans for just in case. Now New York City, London, New Orleans and all low-lying areas are flooding.

What then? If this is a natural occurrence, as many of us believe, how will you address this? Your credibility will be shot. No one in their right mind would listen to you at that point, and hundred of millions of people will be displaced.

We know that the 1300-1800’s was a cooling cycle. If we have just started a warming cycle, and its long term effects are not addressed, because those with the same mind set as you, believe that if you can just cripple the US manufacturing base all the problems will be gone, then what? Please don’t tell us how you goal is not to cripple the US, but to make the world a better place, just tell us IF you are wrong, we will be the ones who pay the price what then?




  1. Your presumptions are silly. The first presumption, "man made global warming is false", I will not judge, because I'm not quite sure about that myself. But the next are absolutely insane.

    "The people who believe in man made global warming will assume reducing CO2 emissions is the only precaution necessary"

    "Stopping pollution should not continue because if pollution isn't the main culprit, your reputation will be shot"

    "The people believing in man made global warming believe the US manufacturing base is the root of all problems"

    "The people believing in man made global warming just want to hurt the US"

    And to top it off, who would pay the price if YOU are wrong and man made global warming is not halted? That I can tell you, every country at or below the current sea level.

  2. If "Dana & Bob" are right, then, by your own admission, their actions have postponed major disasters and suffering - even if GW hasn't been proved to everyone, with the future of the planet at stake, surely it might be worth having a go?

    But then you make two false assumptions:

    "in your confidence... you made no plans for just in case"

    Who says D&B would make no other plans? Certainly the GW advocates are not pinning all their hopes on CO2 reduction; there are many, many other actions being advised.

    In the end, "if this is a natural occurrence", at least D&B tried to do something.

    The "many of us [who] believe" that it is a natural occurence seem willing to let life as we know it be wiped out and somehow still want to blame D&B.

    Here's a suggestion: Let D&B and people like them work on saving the planet assuming that GW is a man-made issue, while you and the "many of us" work on saving the planet assuming that GW is a natural phenomen because I'm not seeing a lot of ideas or action coming from the GW-skeptics.

    Your other false assumption is that good environmental practices will "cripple the US manufacturing base":

    1 - there is no evidence for this. In fact, some recent economic studies suggest that good environmental practices can make manufacturing more productive and more marketable hence more profitable

    2 - The US would be at no disadvantage as the goal is to make these practices global (the reason China and India are dragging their feet is because the US is dragging its feet - circular logic)

    Once again, it comes down to belief. GW skeptics are basically in denial and lazy - they don't want to admit that their own personal energy profligacy is destroyng the planet, they don't want to have to do anything like get up from their lazy-boy chairs or think about what could be done. They'd much rather sit back and say:

    "There's no problem, go away" and when the flood waters start lapping at their televisions they will then bemoan to the same D&B "why didn't you do something"!

    Bring on the thumbs down!!

  3. So lets get this straight. You think that dumping hundreds of billions of tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere has no effect? That certainly isn't the view of most scientists.

    Even if you don't think it is right we still need to be conserving oil because as it runs out the price will rocket. And make sure your house is a decent height above sea level.

  4. you need help...

    you muppet...

  5. Well that seems funny, No one has answered your question, instead they just keep beating the gw dead horse.

    I think its important to cut back where we can, but lets be honest, if it is natural?  then we are screwed.   No one is addressing the issue.  we are putting all our eggs in one basket and we might just get burned.

    Good question, even if some cant see past their own little worlds..

  6. What are you refering to about dana and bob? could you edit your question and include a reference to  dana and bobs comments.

    I noticed that you have been sucked into the fruitless distraction of wether or not humans have caused global warming. global warming is occuring. The fact is that we can influence the extent of global warming.

    Human activities do have an effect of the environment. This fact is obvious when you look at how we live, get our food and deal with our waste materials. The most visible environmental effects are the changes we make to landscapes. It is an example of the extent we can change the evnironment.

    Global Warming is not the only environmental issue that will have a major effect on human life. Finding a 'profitable means' of dealing  with all the various waste materials of industry is the real issue. A good environment may just be  a beneficial side effect.

    Stopping global warming is an immediate aim. it is only immediate, shortlived, like a whim. Maintaining an environment that can support life is ultimately  the effect that will be desired. The  activites of the economy is greatly influence by  desire.

    The economy is not going to be affected negatively by attempting to make positive effect on maintaining the environment. The environment , in the state  it was in  before the industrialization age began, is what made human life possible . It fed us and kept us breathing. Repairing and maintaining the environment is necessary for the continuation of  human life ,and other life also. The economy will not exist if human life  doesn't.

    Your  stance , your aguments , and your opinions are not shared by many people. Even among those entities  that have great influence on the form of the economy are not holding tight to opinions like yours.

    The whole global community, all its industries and governments and even individuals are being more concious of their effect on the environment. And in some way  they all appreciate the importance of clean, healthy, nature filled environment.

  7. you don't really know the real thing. anyway, even if they are wrong, we must do our best to conserve and save the environment. that is just want they want to tell us and the other environmentalists. we know that our activities harms the environment and we know that by stopping those activities, we can help save our environment. so what is your point of questioning them, they just want to spread knowledge of helping to save the environment. in my view, nature also contributes to global warming but we contribute worse then nature and by cutting emissions, we can help preserve the environment.

    stop questioning them and just do your part in saving the environment.

    let's give the next generation a livable world, save the environment! ! ! ! !

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