
If you really love somebody, enough to marry that person, is premarital s*x not a sin?

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I'm a Catholic, if it helps.




  1. Yes but not to worry God will forgive you.  

  2. Of course not. A marriage ceremony doesn't alter anything at all.

  3. any kind of s*x is immoral and sin if you arent married.  

  4. Sorry to say some in here are like me it is a sin, Read Lev 18 and the sermon on the mount, In the Bible it say(with 613 Laws) we should not have s*x before marriage( note Rape is not on us)God Bless you child, God will protect you that stay in his laws , for he will protect you when you obey,God Bless

  5. Sin is a theological belief system, it has no basis in reality.  Don't let such ancient superstitions control / ruin your life.  One primary reason we exist is to breed, as much as possible.  Just like all other Earth creatures.  We are undeniably wired that way and it is a beautiful thing.

  6. Interesting question.  I suppose you want a simple answer.  I just can't do that.

    Why is premarital s*x a sin anyway?  I mean, God, invented s*x, so why wouldn't He want people to enjoy it?  Why make something so good, and put it just out of reach?

    Imagine giving a baby a driver's license.  He just isn't prepared, physically or intellectually do do a good job.  It will end badly.  There is a great deal of potential for harm to the baby and to others.

    It's not a great analogy, but it will serve.  Unlike what others say - marriage is more than just a piece of paper.  If it's just a piece of paper, then why are there so many people living together who run from every opportunity to obtain one of those pieces of paper?  They fear it. Why?  Because marriage is a covenental relationship, and it scares them.  They are proving themselves wrong in the very act of protesting the sanctity of marriage.

    The point is, s*x is good - VERY good - within the confines that have been given to us by God who wants us all to have the very best He has to offer.  He doesn't want us to suffer embarrassment, or shame, or loss, and He does want us to have great s*x in a completely safe environment.  Not just physically safe, but emotionally and socially safe.

    Marriage is like moving to a whole other country.  It is a bending of the will, the mind, the heart and the spirit that takes a lifetime to get pretty good at.

    s*x outside of marriage stops the process of checking out a possible marriage partner and looking for things and deciding if you want to live with them, and deciding if you need to discuss them and heal them.  So, even if you do end up marrying that person, it is like you haven't studied for the test.

    Furthermore, you have not practiced the art of delayed gratification - something you will both need to survive marriage and to do it well.  Because no matter how much you love her right now, there will come a day, when you are mad at her, and somebody else comes along and says all the right things, and you will have a decision to make.  The same thing will happen to her.  But if you have practiced not having something good so you can wait for something better (like make-up s*x!), then it will be easy to say 'no'.

    It is interesting the little rules our "Petty Little God" makes up for us.  We rebel and rebel and just like a kid bargaining for a later curfew, we say well, "what if this?" and "what if that?"  When really, we are far, far better off just accepting the boundary.

    Sorry darlin' - if you love that girl, love her fiercely enough to fight for a great relationship later and make her wait (and you wait), and just have a wedding, already!

  7. Brother in Christ,

    It's sin. do not rationalize it. Hang in there.

  8. No one except God can tell you what is sin. Don't let any human tell you shove their beliefs on you, they know no more about the universe than you. All i can say is that people are usually happier if they delay gratification until marriage, it makes the marriage more meaningful and has been shown to reduce the percent of divorce. But the choice is yours to make, its your life

  9. Nah, you'll burn for even thinking it.

  10. Only if it happens in your dreams, but then you might be guilty of another sin.....

  11. Depends on the position. If you do her doggy style, you're gonna burn.  

  12. Premarital s*x is always a sin. If you love the person enought to sleep with them, don't you love them enough to wait until you are married?

  13. It is always a sin.  You know we can plan anything, and the longer we put it off, soon, it never happens.  There are couples that planned to marry that started out fornicating, years have passed and they are still not married.   s*x even one second before marriage is still sin.  Why can't ppl just do what God says?  People who want s*x first and put off marriage are waiting for a better model to come along.

  14. Premarital s*x is wrong, period.  It is restricted for our own protection, not to "spoil our fun."

  15. Yes. It's a sin.  

  16. well yes, but all sins can be forgiven

  17. Absolutely! This is gravely contrary to the Catholic Faith. Please read the Catechism of the Catholic Church under Adultery for this.


    Josemaria Rojas, OSB

  18. Well, since Mom and Dad are going to give you bunches of Christmas gifts anyway, why not go ahead and open them on December 10th?

    C'mon you know the answer to this one.

  19. without ridicule,  ask God, prayerfully, spiritually ask.

    I would tell you don't!  I will not judge.

  20. If you REALLY love someone, then you should have no problem with waiting.

    You prove your love and your character more when you show enough self-control and conviction to wait, instead of caving into lust prematurely.

  21. Yes, it is still a sin. You should wait. I really believe that if you both wait you will be glad you did.

  22. i am sorry but it doesn't matter, i am also catholic, and pre marital s*x is always a sin.  

  23. a sin is a sin no matter what.

  24. Yes, it is.

  25. yes it is a sin, and pre-meditated sins are still sins. no matter how many confessions you go to.You have to talk to God not a person in a box. So just marry the person already or if you truly are in-love then you can wait.  

  26. Yes, it is.  God did not invent s*x for pleasure, to show love, but for procrreation.  HE made it pleasurable so we would do it, other wise, who would care.  It is not for fun a games, but a built in, an innatness for the procreation of the species,  and only for the marriage bed.

  27. Ask'll get your answer, not here.

  28. No it's not. s*x is not a sin.

    Not even the book of lies, that which you call the bible, says s*x is a sin.

    God is Love, Love is God.

    Trust Love.

    Peace, love, calm and positivity to all.

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