
If you really need to take a dump and someone is already in one of two or three stalls what do you do?

by Guest59631  |  earlier

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Go to another restroom?

Wait outside until they are done?

Just let'r rip and smoke them out of the stall next to you?




  1. Well if I can't wait chances are every one is going to pay cause it has been held for to long so I prepare for some stares once I am finished and walk out the door. If I can hold it I do cause I hate dumping next to someone else. I prefer to take my time and have peace so I can concentrate on getting everything out.  

  2. ...just let it go, thats what bathrooms are for, thats the one room in the house where there shouldn't be a problem to c**p, or f**t, and really stink the house up.

  3. I try and get them to laugh....make moaning and groaning sounds....shout "look at the size of that"....or " I don't remember eating THAT"...".I feel like I should be handing out cigars on that one-shwew!-twins even".....

  4. I guess just let it go..that's what the bathroom is there for.  I think everyone knows it is enter at your own

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