
If you receive a $7,000 raise, should you send a letter of thanks?

by Guest62365  |  earlier

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I just received a generous $7K raise yesterday. I don't know if it's proper to send a letter/email thanking my bosses for their generosity or not. It was a "Market Adjustment" but inflated due to good performance. There was no promotion involved.




  1. If everyone got a raise, then I would say no -don't send a thank you note. But, I would most definitely make casual mention of it to my immediate supervisor, or the next up in line from her/him. Just don't go overboard.But yes, I would let it be known that I am very pleased by their generousity. And congratulations! That is a handsome amount of a raise. I wish all business would do this. It's getting so difficult to get by these days with the cost of everything going up as they have been. Its not only the skyrocketing prices of gas, but just about everything else as well has been going up in price at a rate that is making it more difficult to get by as time goes on. I spent $60 in the grocery store the other night, and walked out with two little plastic bags of things. Well, enough of that, and back on topic. Once again, congratulations!!! Consider yourself very fortunate to have received that raise.

  2. ya definitely!

  3. It;s always good to say thank you,no matter what form the appreciation takes.In your case its the money,so yes,craft a polite letter of thanks,dont go overboard ,but say you appreciate the confidence and value the appreciation ,and will always continue giving your best to the company.Sorted!

    Just be careful that you dont sound like you are paying lip service,but dont go overboard either.

  4. Its a great idea got give a thank you letter (not email) - a very discreet one [not so the whole office see's ya doing it]

    Basically you want to thank them for appreciating and recognizing the hard work and effort you put into your career choice and that you plan on continuing your great job performance and something should be in there that you feel like a valuable employee etc etc ...

    goooooooooooooood luck with it :-)

    Nice raise!!  wish I was at market value ...sheesh LOL

  5. For a $7, 000-dollar raise raise, helll I'd send  Thank You letters, Thank You e-mails, tell them "Thank you!" to their faces, and when I see them coming my way down a hall or something, I'd utter the words, "Thank You" under my breath so they would see my lips move as I smiled!  !  I'm guessing this is a $7,000-dollar a year raise.  Can you sense how well-received a $7,000-dollar raise would be to me?   I only get 10, 15, or 25 cent per hour raises.  By the figures you give, you'd get an extra 134.62 per week to my $10.00 for the same week on a 25 cent raise.  You feel me?  Start typing!!!!

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