
If you receive a fixit ticket while one is still pending for the same violation, are you still liable for both

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i receved a fixit ticket recently for a modified exhaust and i had already been issued one just over a month ago. i bought the car with the exhaust the way it is. why are motorcycles allowed to have loud exhausts.




  1. so fix your car man and thats what it will cost you dont fix your car by the time on ticket you will still have to fix your car and it will cost you a fine also... and motorcycles are not as loud as cars

  2. Yes you are liable for both, technically each ticket is a separate violation for the same problem just issued on a different day and the second one shows you've made no effort to fix the problem after 30 days from the first,,Why ???

    Motorcycles do not come under the same emissions law that cars/trucks do but they do come under a noise/loud law.  The problem is most states have a maximum decibels law for exhaust but the loop hole is it takes a decibel meter to measure the loudness to see if it is over the max. as what you consider loud to your' hearing may not be loud or may be to loud to another ..

    Your' exhaust must be on the loud side or you're reving it to much and keep bringing attention to yourself...

    You need to get the problem fixed and get the fixit mailed back or whatever your' state requires.  If a officer follows up on one of them at a later date a finds it still not fixed or if you're stopped a 3rd time you might get a actual ticket for court or have to pay a fine and then money you could have used to fix it will go to the court and you are STILL going to have to fix it..

  3. stop whining and fix the exhaust. yes your liable for both

  4. So you were basically ignoring the first ticket?  Tough noogies, FIX YOUR CAR!  Nobody cares that you bought it with illegal exhaust.  If you bought it with bald tires would you buy new ones?  Or would you ignore that one too?

  5. Yes and all vehicles including motorcycles have to be under your state or country's decibel laws........

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