
If you recieve child support from your child's father, and later on you get back together...

by  |  earlier

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is there a way to kind of "undo" the child support thing? like...i just opened a case for child support since we are not living together and he kicked me and our little baby out. but if one day we got back together (wishfull thinking....) would there be a way to undo this?




  1. Make sure you get married to the guy before you would stop the child support payments. Once you stop them, it will be difficult to go back to court to get them reinstated. He may know be careful. It may be a trap.

  2. Yes, it's called marriage.

    Quit with the magical thinking and make a life for you and the baby.  Make dad pay his share.

  3. I second the previous poster - quit the magical thinking.

    Get on with your life. There are billions of men in this world, surely a HUGE number of them will treat you better than this guy.

    Feeling scared and alone is normal after a breakup in your situation. I've been divorced, it's absolutely not fun. Don't let that trick you into going backwards. Move forward in your life.  

  4. and there's no reason to stop it even if you did get married. i mean, really, his money is going to you, but if you're married, he'd be giving you money or support in some way anyway, so it works out.

    and frankly, if he kicked you and your baby out, it's a lot better to have to struggle to make ends meet than let that sort of a person anywhere near your child.

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