
If you recieved this email,how would you take it?i think i have my hopes up for nothing.?

by  |  earlier

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well, i dont know to tell you the truth. weve been away from each other a LONG time but obviously neither one of us have forgotten or gotten over each other. what i want is to take it slow for a while but common sense tells me soon as we get around each other were gonna go back to the way it used to be. but seriously weve been away from each other for a long time and i dunno what its gonna be like now. hopefully nothing has changed but were not gonna know til were both out for good and can start makin real plans. just, lets not get ahead of ourselves im glad were talking again but i know if i deploy than everything is gonna be ****** again like last time. i dont wanna us to set ourselves up for failure. im trying to be careful lsat time things went sour it really ****** my head up. for now im just gonna keep praying i dont have to go back to the middle east again




  1. This person is playing games , there toying with your emotions they want to explore other areas , well other people,  and already  doing just that. What there  saying is when we get together we get together ( " you know how we do when where around one another  baby in the end it's me and you " ) yeah right ,don't  set around believing this , they should just be real and up front say it's over , instead of trying to keep you in the back set don't go for the ride , I know trust me  God bless.

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