
If you rented a movie and were late returning it and then you died would someone you knew or a family member h

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If you rented a movie and were late returning it and then you died would someone you knew or a family member h




  1. no one in my family would return the movie. I will be dead and have a bill from blockbuster for ever.

  2. if i didn't know about it i would pay for it my self

  3. I dont think anybody else would return it after i am dead. Initially they would be busy in mourning my death, then they would postpone it to another day and then so on. It will end up in somebody's trash.

  4. I would keep it

  5. Blockbuster would just have to wait a couple of weeks.

    I'm assuming someone in your family would return it though.  Most families go through the deceased's belongings (not in a pilfering sort of way- in a loving sort of way).  Surely once the movie was returned, Blockbuster (or said rental) would waive the late fee.

  6. Your estate would have to pay the outstanding debt.

  7. probably not, if they didn't know about it they would forget about it, y has it hapened to u?

  8. i dont know i never died before

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