
If you reserve TS2 AL at gamestop do u just pick it up or do you need to pay for the game again?

by  |  earlier

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You see... i reserved the game to pick it up when it comes out and i just wanna ask a true experienced gamer to help me out. After i use my $5.00 to reserve the game must i pay full price for the game again or i just get for the 5 i used up




  1. The 5 dollars that you used to reserve it goes to the game itself when it finally comes out, so you have to pay lets say 60 dollars for the game plus tax, the 5 dollars you put down probably takes care of most of the tax.

  2. I'm not exactly sure but if you havn't payed for the game yet then when you go pick it up you will have to pay the full price, and they keep the 5 dollars.

  3. You can reserve a game for as little as $5, or you can reserve it and pay the full amount, when the game is released you come back with the receipt and whatever the balance(difference between price and your reserve amount) is and pickup the game.

  4. this is an example:

    Game X costs $49.99.  you can reserve Game X for $5.  you pay $5 at the time of reservation.  Game X gets released and you want to pick it up.  sales tax in the state of Somewhere is 6%.  the total for Game X with tax is $52.99, BUT, you put $5 on the game when you reserved it.  so now, when you go to pick up the game, you owe $47.99, NOT $52.99.

    we do NOT make money off of reservations like sourpop assumes.  the $5 you put down toward the game comes off the final price.  you do NOT pay extra!

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