
If you respect Royal families do you also respect a god?

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It would seem to me that anyone who can consider a human higher than himself that person must also have a high probability of believing in a God or prophet. If you believe in royalty do you also have a strong belief in religion or God?




  1. no matter what, i still believe in God

  2. I believe in God and his son Jesus Christ, but definately not in the beleive of Royalty, they can all go to the other place !

  3. God is a Spirit and a Supreme being who created all humans including the Royal family.

       There are a lot of people who idolise the monarchy but God is the Almighty and All powerful one.The bible says you shall not put ANY idol b4 Him......and no there are so many people who put all their faith and trust in humans, they have never considered God much less prophets!!

  4. Yes, I do.

  5. Not really. If you respect royalty you  would probably respect god only if you believed in god. But it you respect royalty that doesn't mean you believe in god.

  6. Nonsense, the Royal family exists, they're there. There is no proof for the existence of God. However, I don't believe the Royal family is higher then me - the monarch is there to serve the people not the other way round.

    I believe in the monarchy but I'm very close to atheist on the issue of whether God exists.

  7. I don't respect royal families.  The entire British royal family could die in a fire and I wouldn't care.

  8. god is a mistery a higher person is real because u see it , touch it and feel it, god u just see him in the imagination that the church has created in your mind

  9. royalty and god do not go together

  10. I do not respect royal families but I respect God!

    Royalties are still humans that are under in the power of God.

    I still believe that God is the almight one and he is the one that should be respected!

  11. I'm an atheist AND I respect the royal family (the danish at least). I do not, however view them as being higher or better than me.. I think they are people just like everybody else...

    The role of the royal family has changed a lot over the past 200 years. Now they have become more of a symbol/image of the country.. something people gather around. Though the state pays them a lot of money, they contribute by marketing the country.

  12. One doesn't necessarily lead to the other. Traditionally, belief in God went along with the monarchy, since the Queen is head of the Church of England. But that no longer holds true today.

  13. God created all man kind.... respect for royalty, maybe... Compare them to God Almighty, I dont think so....

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