
If you ruled The Uk...What would you change?

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I'd do the following.

1- Bring back the death penalty.

2- Harsher punishments fo criminals

3- MUCH harsher sentences for animal cruelty

4- decrease taxes

5- No unemployed benefit! Unless theres a good reason. i.e Disability

6- Faster disposal of asylum seekers.

7- Ban fox hunting

8-better teachers in schools

9- better NHS system

10- SOrt out the whole environment thing. I have so many ideas that would work. One of them being , Sorting recycling bins on the street when they are collected , and charging a fine if there is inaproprate items inside. same with normal bins but charging if people continuously dump reuseable materials.




  1. I disagree with 1, 5 and 6.  

    There are already excellent teachers in schools - it's just that the press refuses to acknowledge them.

    The NHS can be improved by getting rid of this PFI rubbish.

    And what are you going to do about Iraq/Afghanistan?

    Here's mine -

    1) Smash the presses of the Daily Mail

    2) Renationalise everything that has been privatised

    3) Scrap SATs in schools and academies, as well as faith schools

    4) Bring back student grants and scrap tuition fees

    5) Ban Anne Leslie from going 250 metres anywhere near a TV camera

  2. Put a limit on the number of EU economic migrants who can come here.

    Base Council Tax on ability to pay, not property bands.

    24 hour turnaround for asylum seekers

    Points system for non-Eu migrants

    Stop charging people taxes for recycling etc.  If the Council are so desperate to be environmental they can employ peopel (thereby taking people off the dole) to "sort rubbish".  There are plenty of elderly and disabled people who this difficult and reading about a 90 year old WWII Vet being fined for putting a ketchup bottle in the wrong bin is ludicrous.  Its just a way to make money out of the most vulnerable people and it has nothing to do with the environment.

    I agree with Sunshine about scrapping tutiton fees, bringing back student grants etc and I would also institute Government-funded "training loans" to help the unskilled who want to train for a skill or trade but can't afford to do so.  Career Development Loans are useless as they come from High Street banks and many people are denied them because of poor credit histories, which is just wrong - its supposed to help people improve their situation in life and noone should have to be punished for their poverty in this way.

  3. If I ruled the UK...I would sell the whole sorry mess to Richard Branson.

  4. most of the above but most of all drag england into the med

  5. 1. Stop letting so many people coming into the UK to live and stop them doing whatever that wanted

    2. Get rid of gangs

    3. Stop giving lazy people benefits

    4. Give the money that the lazy people have to the elderly, who have worked hard in life and give them proper care

    5. Make all workers pay the same amount of tax, so everyone pays the same

    6. Cut down on the amount of school exams

    7. Make public transport at least half the price that it is now

    8. Help the homeless start again in life and give them a proper education so they are able to get jobs

    9. Make going to the cinema way cheaper

  6. I agree with you on all of them except number 1! Not thats its too harsh, just that if you execute them then they are gone. Zilch. Nothing. So they're not suffering for what they did it all! I think just life (and real life-not 15 years) will make them pay...and has the benefit in case they turn out to be innocent!

    And for the enviroment thing...good idea! And I would add that public transport would be free...loads more people would get on it!

  7. i would make it compulsory to have clean net curtains! my pet hate is dirty curtains!!!

  8. Get rid of the the council tax and pay less on gas and electric and water bills and pensioners get a better pension because they worked all their lives so its their right to have more money. Forget tax credits (which is a joke because too many people are being told they have been overpaid tax credits and have to pay back!!) and just make the employers pay the workers more money and pay a lot less income tax. Fresh fruit and veg and healthy food should be very cheap and unhealthy foods like pizza and chips and pies and sweets are expensive. Bring back the medieval stocks for ASBO's and criminals that commit street crime. Medieval stocks are wooden frames that a offending person was chained to in the middle of the street and people throw rotten fruit at!! That way they get well and truely named and shamed!!

  9. i would round up and throw out all of Islam. close our borders and take stock of who is here. i would then pull back all our soldiers, end all foreign aid, and use the money saved from stupid un winnable wars and pointless aid wasted on despots to re build our railways to take freight, open our canal routs to do the same, and put investment into alternative fuels to end our dependency on oil. that way we would be streaks ahead of every one els, and we wouldn't be held to ransom by the middle east. OH!! and i would by some biscuits. yea!! i know. avent been in five seconds  and I'm robbing the taxpayer blind. perhaps I'l go all socialist and only get tescos own.....F*ck!! i shouldnt of mentioned the biscuits.... i should ave just fiddled them into the expences. do you think I've blown it??? OH!! yea. i would also line up all local councilors and shoot them.

  10. I would bring in the death penalty for men who wear diamond ear studs in both ears.

  11. So how do you hope to fund all of your ideas? You can't reduce taxes and say 'better' this and that. 'Disposal' of asylum seekers? They aren't waste. Let's torture you and kill your family then throw you in a container on a freighter, then we can 'dispose' of you.

    'Better teachers'?.. I know, my ideas are:

    1. Better country

    That's it. I mean.. come on!

    Fox hunting is already banned, my love.

  12. 1. Reduce taxes.

    2. Give a taste of their own medicine for anyone who commits an offence big or small

    3. Free public transport (buses and trains) so to reduce effects of global warming

    4. Ban smoking indoors or outdoors

    5. BIG penalties for those people who don't recycle recycable items.

    6. The public should have a say in how much MPs should get in their salary. Quite sickening to see how the h**l Brown sits on £187k a year and how c**p he is as PM

  13. nothing accept banned boys from uk accept me lolzzzzz

  14. Chocolate and Brussel sprout sandwiches,,and Keith Orville and that duck,,and Noel Edmonds,,so watch out coz I'm 123,000, million th  in Line to the Throne

  15. Chips would HAVE to be served in newspaper - none of those nasty polystyrene boxes!

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