
If you saw a U.F.O 200 yards away and about 800-1000 feet high would.................?

by Guest58813  |  earlier

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If you saw a U.F.O 200 yards away and about 800-1000 feet high would you try to signal it? How would you try to signal the U.F.O? And most importantly, if you made contact, what would you say? Try to be serious.




  1. Take a picture.

    Have it timestamped and notarized.

    Original with an attorney, copies in a safety deposit box, third set of copies to relatives or friends. Then seek a ufologist.

    I would not draw attention to myself in case it was one of 'ours' then you might get disappeared. I would just watch and try to communicate telepathically.

    If there is a major siting. DO NOT CALL THE MEDIA!

    Back in 1966 the biggest UFO flap in history. HUNDREDS of people took pictures of the UFO that flew between Ravenna, Ohio and Beaver County, Pennsylvania.

    **The Youngstown Vindicator Begged People Not to Call**

    Their lines were tapped and MIBs were collecting all the pictures called into the newspapers and radio stations. The recommendation from the Youngstown Vindicator was to wait until the social climate would permit open discussion of UFOs.

  2. while their technologies is far more advanced supposedly they would be able to see us withouth us signaling them  for a griting i would say hy with my right hand

  3. Yes, I would try to signal it. I would try to signal the UFO by shouting, throwing rocks and jumping up and down (yes, my efforts are indeed pitiful). If they noticed me and my brain wasn't zapped out of my head or anything else impolite like that, I would first of all say "Hey there." Then I'd ask them if they were new to the area, if they'd ever been to Roswell, where they were from and tell to drop by anytime and that I'd take them out to lunch. Cool question.

  4. Move on, you are blocking the sun light! might have said an ancient Greek.

    If someone drove by in a Lamborgini  would you wave at the driver? And if not, why?

  5. License and registration please.

  6. yea i would try to signal it.  then i would ask

    where they are from?

    where do they live...houses, underground....

    what do they eat

    do they believe in a god

    are they male and female

    ...anything related to their culture and beliefs.

  7. Hmm, I think I would use fireworks. They are the most attention getting thing I can think of.

    As for what I would say;


    Why are you here?

    What are you doing here?

    How did you get here?

    How long have you been here?

    Have you been here before?

    What do you want?

    Of course that all assumes they could understand English. It might be a robot probe, or something, not there to communicate. If so, then I would take out my handy-dandy Swiss army knife and take it apart.

  8. If we agree that this UFO is indeed an extraterrestrial craft, then at 200 yards distance and an altitude of 800-1000 feet, unless they knew you were there and witnessing them already (and almost undoubtedly such an advanced species may have the technology to do so), you might not need to signal them.  Though, considering UFO sightings of the past, they most likely would avoid contact with you.  If, for some reason, they did not know you were watching, a flare would be required to bring it to their attention.

    And personally, I would avoid contact with an alien species.  It has been theorized and is scientifically accepted that any advanced species capable of traveling to our planet would be predatory in nature, as any benevolent species would be destroyed, subjugated or evolutionarily suppressed by a stronger race.

  9. No..I  would hide...I mean REALLY hide!...and hope they couldn't sense my fear. With my of my dogs would run out and bark at them and I'd have to go after it.

  10. I would be very happy to know that my blue aliens friends from hyboria have come to visit me.Of coures everyone else around my would be chit scared and hideing under the bed.A hyborian heavy freighter and literian light crusier would look good parked over my house.

  11. I would ask if they thought humans would make it with the current hold on technological ideas that the Dutch have placed on us through the system of patents.  The Dutch started the idea, of ideas protection because they were the first to build a textile industry and they wanted the English to pay for the idea of a machine...  See how we are all potentially stuffed.  Anyway I would asked if they think we'll make it,. with this system in place.  (sharing is caring...)

  12. I wouldn't go out of my way to communicate with them/it.  I don't know if I could say anything at all to an ET spacecraft or its occupants.  They probably wouldn't understand English, so I would probably resort to gestures.  I would try to indicated I was not a threat to them.

  13. Well first of all I'd check to make sure I was standing on something 200 to 400 feet high, if not I'd ask them if they could please catch me before I hit the ground.

    No, really, I am being serious.

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