
If you saw a none physical manifestation. Would you be physically upset?

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Having experience such.

I found it to be..........?




  1. As with most questions about the paranormal (and life in general) the answer is: It Depends.

    When I saw something or someone that appeared human at my aunts house years ago (that could not be found by intensive searching) I was not upset because I assumed it to be a human visitor that my aunt knew about.

    This is the most common type of experience (where the "ghost" is mistaken for someone real).

    If on the other hand I was alone (Tip: Never investigate alone) in an abandoned building looking for ghosts and I saw a figure lurking in the shadows and watching me I would be physically upset if it was a ghost or a live person (those are the ones that can hurt you).

    Thus, it depends on the circumstances.

  2. To to sense, see with human eyes, or to understand.

    This has happened to me, and I wasn't scared scared, but I did tell it we should just talk telepathyically because his voice might scare me out of my wits.........I think I did all the talking...and the answering was coming from me but not made up by I must have been receiving telepathyically also.

    But I did love it........that guardian I believe stood half way in and out of the living room........I suppose that some sort of evil would have bothered us otherwise...but was put off.

  3. If I saw one it would surprise me a great deal.

  4. I found it to be............"twisty, like little azz crabs".

  5. Depends on what it looks like I guess.  Ghosts that look like people wouldn't bother me,  but the black ghosts or shadow people creep me out every time I see one.  I saw a few things while doing astral projections that were quit upsetting, they were not human or even close to it!

  6. I agree with Denie.

    Anything I saw, or otherwise became aware of, would make me feel uncomfortable or joyful or neither.

    Whether I became upset (physically etc) or not, depends upon the manifestation's intent, good bad or lack thereof, and how much of that intent or benignity (is that a word?) of the manifestation I am aware of.

  7. Yes, and I have gotten physically ill because of it.  It wasn't something new for me, but it was how the manifestation occured.

    Overall it was not a bad experince, but it was sudden and startled me baddly, although I was not exactly frightened of it.  That's what I hate about a none physical manifestation when they're a, or were, a family member.  They are just too mischievious.  Effing irish.......

  8. I don't think I'd be upset....maybe a little scared, depending on if I knew who it was or not.

    Or are you refering to aliens rather than spirits?

  9. yes...

  10. Had an experience many moons ago whilst using a toilet. To say I was in the right place would be an understatement. The thing was, it was behind me so I never actually sore it but the feeling will stay with me always. Not actually frightened of much but I couldn't turn around for fear of what I might see.

  11. No, because I am not afraid.  I am open to that sort of thing and accept it as part of the world I live in, it is naive to think we are the only beings on this plane.  We are all energy and that energy doesn't just go away when we die.

  12. probabally, I see parked police cars and get nervous.

  13. It's hard to say. When you go looking for something you usually become more excited  your senses become more tuned in and anything can make you jumpy (shadow, insect, small animal, wind, etc.) even if you don't find anything.

    When you don't expect something is when it almost seems like "did I just see what I saw?", and you may become more excited afterward.

  14. I would be honored if i seen one .I hope i see a spirit an orb' or anything like this .

  15. I think this is a trick question. If its a non-physical manifestation, then light will not bounce off it, and you will not see it.

    Therefore if a non-physical manifestion appeared, it could not be seen by human eyes, only by psychic wanna-bes.

  16. Hi,TWOBOB...(Are you twins??)...I think I saw one one time...but think it was someone astral traveling. I have PTSD &panic attacks...that's "normal" for me.So, if I saw one, I'd probably have a panic attack. But, I think if someone holy appeared to anyone it would be a peaceful manifestation...or joyful...or you'd be full of awe .(not "shock&awe")lol. I think if it's someone you'd be awestruck..but happy. Of course people would think you were hallucinating and you'd have to deal with that. I think it's better not to tell things like that....except maybe on here. That's what I like about this section. We can come "out of the closet" with paranormal things that have happened to us without being in danger.

    Glad you're here...Stay awhile! It's not all "serious"...we have fun on here too.!

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