
If you saw a rose on the street, would you avoid running over it while driving?

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If you saw a rose on the street, would you avoid running over it?




  1. Why?

  2. Umm yes.. it has thorns. nothing is safe on my tires!!!

  3. Yes, (oddly enough) if I noticed "something as small as a rose lying on the road" I think I would avoid it.  

    Knowing me, I could see myself avoiding it, pulling my car over to the side of the road and walking back to get it - thinking it was in some "weird way" it was meant for me to have it.

  4. yes i would probably make an effort to avoid it.

  5. No.

  6. I try to avoid running over it as far as possible.  If circumstances does not permit to do it,  I will be compelled to run over it.

  7. No. It is unsafe and to risky to avoid anything in the road. It is best to just keep going in the direction you are going. If you are unable to stop, hit what ever is in the way. If you change lanes to avoid something, you run the risk of putting other lives in damage.

  8. no

  9. Not in a million years

  10. No, more dangerous if you try to avoid.  Now if it was a huge amount of roses then yes :-P

  11. I would try to avoid a cat or animal and obviously anything alive.   I don't think I would avoid running over a cut rose though.

  12. I try to avoid running over anything in the road, unless my avoiding it will put myself or others in danger.

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