
If you saw me carrying a cross down the street, what would you do?

by Guest34506  |  earlier

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ibhietal...(whatever that means),

I commuted a long journey by cross. I worked to save your soul, bozo, so show some respect.




  1. Stop briefly to suggest putting some wheels under it.  Crosses are heavy.

  2. ask if I could help you.....

  3. I'd run and get my camera, take some pictures and video and post it on youtube.

  4. Denounce you as a false prophet.  You're not Jesus.

    I like to think the Son of God would know to put his question in the right category.  Seriously, commuting?  Get a clue.

    If you were the Son of God, you'd know what my name means, and spell it correctly.

    I reiterate, YOU'RE NOT JESUS.  You're a fool to say you are.

  5. Offer to help you carry it. For a small fee if you know what I mean;)

  6. crucify you,of course

  7. grab a claw me, you'll be needing it later

  8. ibhienabutt, You are a fool to assume he is not Jesus. Jesus lives in all of us, except you.

  9. I'd remind you to be cautious when you cross the street, and also be watchful near railroad crossings.

  10. I would look for sales on Easter candy. That's what I'd do.

  11. i'd help you

  12. I'm sure "ibhietal"is always the life of the party! As for me, I'd invite you over and make you dinner (as a bribe of course)

    Then I'd leave you to babysit the kids and clean the house while I went on a major shopping spree (see, I'd get serious big bucks if I sold the cross on ebay, especially if it was made with vintage wood)

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