
If you saw me on the streets or the mall, what would be your first impression?

by  |  earlier

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I’m curious to see what peoples first impressions

are when they first see me. What did you think as

SOON as you saw me? The first thing that crossed your

mind? Don’t think that I’m asking just to get attention,

I want to know how people first judge me when they first meet me.




  1. Cute, smart, the type of girl id be friends with FAST.

  2. Too cute!  *dies*

    But there could be the seed of evil and mischief… something there to make you -truly- interesting…

    *evil laugh*

    Edit: Oh, and, gah!  Horizontal stripes!

  3. Very kind eyes  

  4. i would think that your really cute!!

    but ur clothes arent nreally my style.

    ur still cute though:D

  5. cute outgoing girl, quiet or shy at times. but has a crazy side once you get to know her...but i could be way off..:-)

  6. teenager, probably really nice and friendly.

  7. I think you seem like a cute and happy person.

  8. do not take this the wrong way, but i probably walk on by in the mall. Well because i would not pick u out specifically and judge u. however since i have seen your pic i say your are very cute!

  9. cute, smart and happy

  10. I don't know, I think you seem cool

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