
If you saw someone who needed help would you step up?

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This afternoon while waiting at the train station with my parents for my sister these young boys who i would say were about 13 yrs old were being a nuisance in the park. Throwing trolleys into the water and gave this elderly man the finger. So i got out of the car just to make sure they didnt do anything and my parents told me i did the wrong thing. They went on to say if someone is being abused we should ignore it because they could hurt us.

I personally think its wrong to ignore it because my dream is to be a police officer one day but what do you think? Should we?




  1. I believe you have to NOT let every little thing matter so much. These kids will get it right one day and their abusers can take care of themselves.

    Edit: Okay lady, if its really serious then help but get out peoples business if its not neccessary. You can't save the world you know...

  2. Oh, although you are a concerned citizen, do not interfer.  Something might happen to you.  You can help others, why not.  But this kind of trouble in not appropriate for you.  It is the duty of the policemen to help them.

    But you cannot ignore the hungry children begging on the street.  They need GOOD SAMARITANS to feed them and this is what I've been doing nowadays.


  3. I think you did the right thing. I too could not stand back and let a situation get out of hand. I would certainly judge a situation first for the possibility of threat and danger but I would like to think that if my Nan was in that situation that bystanders would help and defend her.

    Not all teens are the same. It would only take one or two in a group with a higher level of empathy to turn a situation around, if another persons fear or safety is being compromised.

  4. You've obviously got more wisdom than your years suggest,you did the right thing today and i'm happy your growing up to be a person who believes we should help the weaker members of our society.there are dangers involved with helping people though and you should keep that in your mind when you do assist someone.I stopped a drunk from being beat up from a bunch of yobs,the drunk guy got away but unfortunately for me i got a kicking,i wouldn't change a thing though because i acted that man got to safety and if i didn't help i would have felt guilty and that i had let myself down,trust your instincts and watch out for the unexpected,your a credit to humanity well done.Matt B.

  5. Good for you.  People need to stand up to irresponsible punks.  People who know they are doing wrong will usually scurry away like rodents when confronted.  Hopefully they are not strung out on PCP or some other drug.  Keep it up.

  6. It all depends on the situation, for example like you said if there was 4 guys an 1 of me, the 4 guys were bigger beating up a old man, I would call the PO, PO, its not worth putting my life on line, dying for somthing that I know I can't stop from happening. All I got to say about that is look the other way thats all you can do

  7. You know what? Getting angry isn't the way to go. We gotta educate our kids, cause ignoring/getting angry at them and yelling at them hasn't worked for the last 200 years, so lets try something else, shall we? Kids these days are getting smarter, less douche bagged, and overall, becoming more receptive to education.

    We share the same dream. I dream of becoming a police officer to save my people ( which is everyone and anyone i can get my greasy, donut crusted fingers on ).

    We shouldn't ignore it, nor should we overreact. We gotta teach them to be more respectful, and show them that the world isn't full of jerks, so they don't need to be jerks, either.

  8. You aren't a police officer yet, so I would advice to look before you leap.

  9. if it's something we can and are able to help with, we should.

  10. I believe, you are correct. We should always make a stand against evil doings or corruption. By everyone not doing so, evil and corruption will become our society while good Samaritans completely fade away.

    Thank you for asking.

  11. When I was younger I would have done the same thing as you and my parents would have helped. My father is retired law enforcement and we didn't have to stand around and wait for a police officer before helping someone in need.

    While I can understand your parents fear of you getting injured, I have to wonder how they (and you) would have felt if the boys in the park had taken things a step further and actually hurt someone in the park while everyone stood by and watched. I think you did the right thing by making your presence known.

  12. I would call for help instead of putting myself in danger

  13. I don't tolerate c**p like you stated.  I have stepped in many times.  

    i am only 5'9 and and Im 40 years old....  if i see a wrong being done and it's in a public place.. call someone on it!  I have.. and if it's done properly.. and safely.. it can prevent something from happening again.  

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