
If you saw your teacher/Sensei lose a fight (ko'd), would you still want to learn from him?

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If you saw your teacher/Sensei lose a fight (ko'd), would you still want to learn from him?




  1. Yes most definitely.

    Anyone can lose a fight whether you're highly trained or not getting ko'd doesn't mean the other guy is better sometimes people are blind sided or just plain get taken unaware's it happens from time to time.

    Best wishes :)***

  2. Perhaps not, some people are great teachers. My Sifu trains at another school where the Master there can clearly control My Sifu. This does not make him less of an instructor. The fact that he still trains and is always improving is more important. It is also his teaching philosophy that every student become better than he is. He is also very respected in the martial arts community. An important lesson in life is that there is always someone better than you are.

    If you look for the invincable  or perfict instructor you are doomed to fail. There is no such person on earth.

  3. This is a question you would only see in the west.JAPANs martial history is full of storys of the local sword master or jujutsu master being defeated sometimes killed by a challenger so it wouldn't be a big deal to them if their sensei lost a fight.If you are talking about sparring or sport type fighting that's not real anyway.

    They would probably be more disapointed he got in one in the 1st  place.

    Sensei also find less time for personal training and develope the bad habit of having lower ranks teach to many classes .

  4. Fights can be completely unpredictable. *Anyone* in a fight has a chance to KO the other person. If I saw my sensei lose a fight that he didn't start, I wouldn't stop learning from him.

    On the other hand, if he was the one who *started* the fight, I might certainly lose some respect for him. I'm doing Aikido, and it's primarily a defensive art - you don't *start* fights using Aikido.

  5. it depends on who ko'd him/her

  6. Why wouldn't I? I have learned so much about life and myself from the training he has given me. He stuck by me through a substance abuse problem when some in my family gave up. He was there for me when my dad passed away, and shared some of what he learned when his father died.

    I have seen him take money out of his own pocket to keep the school going when classes were small, simply because he loves to teach so much. I saw a rebelous green haired d student graduate college, get married, and become a success(no it was not me) because of his school and the training he provides. I have seen a young lady defend herself from a gentlemen that had bad intentions, because of the mental training and the "what if's" he covers in class.

    So why would I jump ship just because he lost a fight. Everyone loses eventually, especially when they get older, it is  inevitable. Besides point sparring or fighting in acage lacks one thing that could be the determining factor in real life. Whether you are willing to do whatever it takes to the other person to go home to your family.

  7. I would. I know he can kick *** and he teaches awesome, so if he got his *** kicked he would be a better teacher. Yup thats right better. He would know what does and doesn't work. Everyone loses sometimes. Maybe you should think, if your teacher/sensei saw you get KO'd...wouldn't you still want them to teach you? We all fail, senseis aren't unbreakable gods. Just great teachers and fighters

  8. a man is not measured by how he wins, but rather by how he loses.

  9. well u r getting it all wrong..fights are sometimes unpredictable...your sensie knows a lot..don't underestimate him..besides its u who is learning who has to apply it in life get it??

    just improve ur self..

  10. of course.

    it does not make him any less of a teacher.

    There's too many factors determening the outcome of a fight, it's not just being the best.

    maybe your teacher had a day off, and was the other guy at the top of his game.

    compare it to a sports match.  it's not always the greatest champion who wins.

    Besides try to think about the opposite situation if you knew that your teacher did some serious damage would you still want to train with him

    I saw footage of my capoeira teacher in a Vale Tudo fight in Brazil where he literally cracked a guys skull with several punches not a pretty sight.  The local mestre (grandmaster here in Belgium is even known to have killed a man during play (accidentally)

    Still I train with them because I trust them.

    if your teacher has taught you well you should have enough respect not to doubt him...

  11. There's a huge difference between fighters and teachers.  While some fighters are teachers, not all teachers are fighters.  For example, do you think Freddie Roach (Manny Pacquiao's trainer) could've knocked out David Diaz?  I doubt it..

    While I'm sure my teacher can kick my butt (and plenty of butt outside his studio), I train with him because I know he's qualified.  He's certified to teach by the best of the best and obviously has an impressive background, knowledge, and interest in combat.  Most of all, I trust the man.

    Hope this helps.

  12. even the best fighter lose something, training just reduces your chances

  13. It would depend.  First it would depend on his history:  did he ever compete?  If he competed how many championships/first place awards did he win?

    Secondly, who did he fight and lose to?  Was it a nobody or someone with equal qualifications?

    That is the reason a lot of "Masters" will not compete, because they want to preserve the aura of invincibility to retain and gain more students.

    Remember the so-called Kung Fu Master who called MMA fighters weak and challenged one for $5000, on Youtube?  He lost in the most humilating way.

  14. yes of course elephant is also can slip because the teacher will teach us more about his weakness and opponent's weakness

    it's a good experiance not only to the teacher to us also

  15. Yes. Remember this, historically the people that are the best at things are bad teachers. This is especially obvious in sports. You rarely see a star player become a great coach. What really matters can the teacher make you understand what you need to do and perform better then you are now.

  16. i would jump ship and learn from the one who beat my teacher.

  17. Any great fighter will loose a fight. it's part of martial arts.

  18. yea my Judo coack is nearing 80 but Holy Cow does he have good Judo.

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