
If you say 'Beliel,' what happens next? Paranormal?

by  |  earlier

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That's supposedly the name of a demon you are under all circumstances NOT supposed to say. I have searched it on this website and pretty much everyone says not to say it on every question.

So I said it just to say it. My friend was like, "What?" and I said, "nothing."

Am I going to die?




  1. Belial Belial Belial!

    Does it work if you type it?  Or if you just think it?  I said it out loud as well.

    Nothing happens. Maybe you have to say it in front of a mirror at 3 am for it to work?

  2. I just said it.  Multiple variations.  Nothing happened.  Of course.  It's just a superstition, nothing more.

  3. According to Ryan Buell and Chip Coffey, saying the name Belial supposedly gives the demon more power.

    and no your not going to die, that one guy in the episode The Devil In Syracuse said it like 4 times and he did not die.

  4. OMG it's going to stick it's claw up all ur butts tonight for summoning it!! LOL.

    I guess if u really believe in it, and u start to get bad luck u might say it due to it. I don't know if I entirely believe in demons, I think all the demons are or wer here on earth with us!! Sadam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, President Bush, although I don't think demons are as stupid as Bush, LOL


    I'm not being skeptical, just bringing some light into the question and maybe a chuckle. I'm just sooo tired of the non-believers. Hopefully my request to get moved into another category gets submitted so we won't have to deal with the skeptism♡

  5. Everyone gets a toe tag at check out time.

    But just because you called out a demons name don't mean squat.

    Religious people had to come up with something to confirm their mind control techniques, so why not ante the pot with a demon?

  6. yup dude, you're going to die.

    it was nice uhhhh answering your question.

    NOOOOO....!!!   don't trip you're not going to die. like the girl above said it's just a superstition! just like bloody say her name however many times in the mirror, nothing happens.

    if you keep telling yourself that something is going to happen and if you live your life in fear you're going to halucinate. just don't waste your breath on stuff like that.

  7. If your question isn't authentic, why ask it?

    I tend to agree that it's a conspiracy by religious authorities to promote mind control over the masses.

    Why test fate?

    ANSWER: Because fate sometimes lies.

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