
If you say the first Christians were...?

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If you say that the first Christians were Jews, then how come Jews today are not Christian?

Oh, I'm 14 so I don't know much.




  1. Most Jews do not accept that Jesus was/is the Jewish Messiah.  A few thousand (about 8,000 in the first 2 incidents in the book of Acts) is not even a majority.  It quickly moved from the Jews to gentiles when the Jews (as a whole) rejected the message.

    I trust this helps.

  2. The first Christian was the man on the cross next to Jesus.  Jesus was a Jewish man, but not every Jew believes in Jesus even though alot do.

  3. They branched off of each other, kind of like how there are sooo many diff sects of Christianity.

    Once they branched off from each other the doctrines of both sort of took a diff turn, even from the original doctrines they once shared.

    A lot of people like to claim that Christianity branched from Judaism, but I think the split and the changings of doctrines were so different that they split apart from each other and not one from the other because of the fact that even the original doctrines seem to change for both as they went their separate ways.

  4. Many Jews turned to Christianity then, and many have turned to Christianity today.

  5. Pretty simple really.

    Christianity was once a sect of Judaism.   The number of Jews that became Christians was never large compared to those who retained traditional beliefs.

    When the number of Christians exceeded the number of Jews, Christianity shed it's 'sect' status & was considered it's own religion.  But the majority of Christians at this point came from faiths other than Judaism.

  6. Nice way of twisting the "If humans evolved from monkey's why are there still monkey's?"  

  7. The Jewish religion is still waiting for The Messiah and Jesus IS The Messiah!  ("He came to His own and His own received Him not.")

  8. The first Christians were Jews.  Jesus was a Jew.  Not all Jews of the era believed in the divinity of Christ, and their descendants are the Jews of today.  

  9. The Jews believed that the Messiah, the prophet which Moses spoke about, would come and deliver them from Roman bondage and set up a kingdom where they would be the rulers. Two of the disciples, James and John, even asked to sit at Jesus' right and left in His Kingdom when He came into His glory. The people of Jerusalem also thought He would deliver them. They shouted praises to God for the mighty works they had seen Jesus do, and called out "Hosanna, save us" when he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey (Matthew 21:9). They treated Him like a conquering king. Then when He allowed Himself to be arrested, tried and crucified on a cursed cross, the Jews (for the most part) stopped believing that He was the promised prophet. They rejected their Messiah (Matthew 27:22).

  10. Because some jews saw that christianity was the way to go after st.paul (who was a jew) went around converting everyone after apparently meeting jesus and seeing him and his powers before his eyes. Many jews thought it was bull and stayed as they were. Basically st.paul went into synagogues all over the middle east trying to convert other jews so it's likely that alot of them did comply. Those who rejected jesus as the true messiah stayed as a jew, continuing to wait for the coming of their messiah, and those who saw that he was, started observing the then new growing faith of christianity..

    Hope this helps

  11. people aren't bound to the choices of their ancestors...

    and though many Jews followed Christ (almost all of the early church were Jews, most of the Jewish people did not.

    It's very sad.

    But one day we expect to see a revival among the Jews... to come to their Messiah.

  12. The first Christians were practicing Jews, until which time the alleged Christ died.  From that point, stories and letters were passed down, embellished, etc.  By the time the gospels were written between 70 and 100 C.E., a robust mythology had formed.  It took until the 4th Century for the institutionalization to fully occur, however, and sects continued to spring up and disappear over the centuries.  Still happens today, in fact.

    Jewish Christianity was one of the main sects in the early days.

  13. Dont ask questions, just believe and rejoyce in the holy spirit.

  14. Christians are just Jews who accepted Jesus as the Christ...

    The Term Christian didn't come around until a few decades after Christ even died. His first generation of followers considered themselves Jewish people.

  15. Like the different people of today, not everybody at the time of Jesus and the disciples, believed that Jesus was God's son and that some believed he was actually a demon or that he blasphemed (spoke against) God for claiming he was the son of God. The Jewish leaders tried desperately to stop the early christian movement, and as you can see from today it didn't work.  

  16. There are Christian Jews.

  17. It helps to understand that God has always chose a remnant.


    1. a remaining, usually small part, quantity, number, or the like.

    2. a fragment or scrap.

    He has shown us in the Old And New Testament that He chooses who it is who is saved. Those who are chosen can decide if they want to go along with it.

    So a remnant of Jews do believe in Jesus Christ. They are the remnant of Jews who will live with God throughout eternity.

  18. Because those Jews accepted Christ. Most Jews today do not, except Messianic Jews.  

  19. Jews in the time of Christ that accepted that he was Lord became Christians by definition.

  20. You might be just 14 but you surely know how to ask a pointed question.  You are correct, and the Jews 2,000 years ago refused to believe that Jesus story, because it was claimed to have taken place in Judea, and the Jews knew that no such person was in their country and also they knew who was writing that fictional story. The Romans, their enemies. Pay no attention to smart arshes who try to continue to say that humans evolved from monkeys.  There are various animals from which humans sprang from, and we still have monkeys because only certain groups evolved where others remained as they were' just like humans are doing today.

  21. Christians follow Jesus Christ. Jesus was not around in the old Testament times. Thus Jewish folks are not now or then Christians.

    Peace and Blessings from Texas <><

  22. Yes, the first Christians were Jews, but that does not mean that all Jews were Christian.

    To accept Christ as your Messiah, it's a personal decision and not all Jews made that choice.

    It's that simple.  

  23. Largely the early Christians were Greeks and then Armenians, Nubians, Arabs, et al; the Jewish Christian community, in fact, was very short lived.  

    Keep in mind that Judaism is not always equivalent to being Jewish.  In other words, some Jews are not actually "Jews."

  24. Just because the first Christians were Jews, doesn't mean that all Jews chose to follow Christ.  You really don't have that solid proof do you?

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