
If you see an ex/ friend - sleeping around with different guys- Should I say something to ?

by  |  earlier

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I know she has some issues , however she does not feel she does or is in denial.. what should I do? I just want to see her happy..




  1. There's nothing wrong.  Really man, it's none of your business.

    Sounds like you may just be a little jealous.  Apparently, she's just more sexually free than you.  She's just moved on & she's enjoying being single.  s*x is awesome!  I really enjoy it!  I suggest you get some tail too.

    Just be cool & fun with her.  

  2. The best thing you can do is to be there for her.  If you do say something you run the risk of ruining your friendship.  Be very careful what you say if at all.  Just be a good friend and try to listen to her.

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