
If you see police brutality being committed, is it within your rights to make a citizen's arrest?

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I would like to think if I saw Rodney King: The Sequel taking place, I could do something to stop it, but unsure of the legal implications. Any advice on this?




  1. No, I would understand that something had taken place before then.  He attacked a police officer, and wasn't able to be controlled, so she called for backup.

    Rodney King is a total bum.  I understand he's raped people, and a whole lot of other things.

  2. First and foremost)  I don't care what color your skin is.  If you lead the police on a car chase (putting countless people in danger), then leaping out of your car trying to fight them, you're getting your *** beat.

    But...  If true police brutality is occuring, video it if possible and report the officer to internal affairs.  Don't try to approach him and be a jerk.  This is the equivalent of trying to stop a bank robber.  You're going to get hurt.

  3. Nope. Leave the cops alone. Especially if you don't get it.

    Rodney King was higher than a flag on the fourth of July. The only way to stop him was to use that much force. Or to kill him.

    So the moral is: don't get involved when you don't know the circumstances.  

  4. No - don't intervene. Seriously the best thing to to is take pictures (camera, video tape, camera phone, etc) and take it to the press. It's the only way to prove what happened, and get it into the hands of people who make sure it's dealt with correctly.

  5. The reality is that you would probably be arrested for interfering with a lawful arrest, even if the action by the officer were unjust and unfounded. Your actions would put you at risk physically. There are places where complaints can filed on officers such as internal affairs for larger departments and the state or district attorney depending on your jurisdiction. I know it seems unfair, but what if everyone that felt a cop was doing wrong could jump in and try to subdue the officer. Some people may feel that an officer using mace was uncalled for and jump in. Another may feel that an officer was unjust in using a stun gun and jump in. It would open Pandora's box for officers that have to use force and undoubtedly lead to more injured parties than the one that was being unjustly beaten.

  6. You'd be better off keeping your distance and just letting the cops know that they're being watched. They usually calm down and go more by the book if they realize that there's an audience nearby. If you have a cell phone on you, then call 911 and report what the cops are doing, and record a video if you can.

  7. Well if you would like to spend an extended period of time in the local trauma unit, then have a go at it.

  8. HA HA what are you thinking or better yet think about what you just said seriously. Now lets take a look at this situation a police officer using force on somebody, second you probably ain't got the full details on what happened for this to take place. Third even if the officer is using excessive force what would make you even think you SUPER CITIZEN HERO would even have the authority to go up to a police officer while he is supposedly beating the c**p out of someone and say I'm putting you under citizens arrest!!!. Now how do you think that is going to end up, with you probably in the same situation as the other guy and hopefully skipping the ER and just going to jail for interfering with police duties not a good idea. Just stand way back observe record and if found later there was a violation then you can talk to the right authorities in a safe manner. Hopefully this answers your silly question thanks for the laugh I really needed that today.  

  9. You are not equipped to arrest police and will only get hurt.  You should consult an attorney before taking any steps to do what is right.  Your life will be placed under a microscope and could be turned upside down.  BUT if you have seen an injustice and are in a position to do something (as advised by an attorney), then it may well be worth it.  Most likely those officers will do it again.  It could be you, your family, your friend, or time.

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