
If you see spirits, are you more likely to know them or not?

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Is it more common to see strangers than family members, or does it vary?




  1. The thing is..that sometimes you can think they're family members..but you really can't tell for sure..because they can disguise themselves.

  2. Thats a really good question. I think it really varies from situation to situation. It can depend on many factors such as the place you are experiencing the phenomenon or if you have a family spirit watching out for you. It also varies to if the spirit is a residual haunting, which is a spirit that is not aware of you or it's surroundings and is basicaly stuck in a loop, similar to watch a movie play itself over and over again. Or if the spirit is intelligent and can make direct contact and is cognisant of it's surroundings. It's been my experience that spirits can also follow a person. For example, whenever I do an investigation at a cemetery, paranormal activity at my own home seems to pick up. In the end I guess it really comes down to your own personal experience. Hope this helps out a bit. Cheers.

  3. It can be either.

  4. either they can be part of the package like in your house from the past or family members visiting you it all depends. i think its more common to see strangers though beacause theyre always there.

  5. Well, if you're sensitive, meaning have psychic abilities, you'll see all kinds of them, family members, from this life as well as past lives, and strangers galore. So yeah, it varies. Sensitives tend to attract spirits.

  6. when a family member dies his/her spirit comes to home for first three days then it vanishes then comes back at tenth day and then at fortieth day. then it vanishes and either never comes back or comes back once a year. and some times does not comes back at all. some people who suicide or burnt alive or murdered, there spirit some times wander in this world for the sake of justice or some other reasons. they then become demons or bad spirits. god knows better.

  7. You are more likely to feel your loved ones than others,but as  for visual I know that I have seen strangers more than my loved ones.

    Maybe because the feelings are enough to let me know they are around, and what they think. Strangers don't have that personal bond so they will sometimes have resort to showing you for you to understand.

  8. varys.but mostly i see my wolf spirit guide that talked to me today.

  9. No not always, depending on just how many do you see. Some spirit that come to me when I am in need is someone I once knew. I usually don't see detail on them just spirit or a shadow. Or if I feel their presence, I sense who they are.

  10. Honestly it can vary...Family members or loved ones can come to you when they first pass away, or a short time later, or when you are in a bad situation in your life, they can give you a sense they are there for you.....

    But in many experiences, and proberly more common, people will experience, spirits of a haunting, shadow people are very common, and some will experience entities of any sort...some will start to engage with their spirit i guess its more common to experience strangers in the spirit world.....

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