
If you see your baby pooping there diaper do you wait until there done to start changing it?

by  |  earlier

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Or do you put them on the changing table whale there still pooping?




  1. How would you like it if someone stopped you mid dump and moved you! Definitely let them finish

  2. Oh, no.  I definitely wait.  I've learned my lesson quick.  Leave them alone, let them poo, give them a few minutes to make sure they are done, then change them.  I've been pooped on twice in the past, LOL.  I give him plenty of time! :)

  3. of course...if u change the baby while is still pooping, he/she is going to p**p onto the new one.

  4. seriously?????

  5. Let them finish and then change them. Otherwise it could get messy and you will just waste another diaper. Think about it. would you want someone to move you off of the toilet while you're mid-poo, or would you like to be left alone until you're done?

  6. You've been asking some really weird questions. I think you have a fetish!  

  7. I would definitely wait until they were all done! No use in changing a diaper before they are finished using it!

  8. I usually wait 5 minutes after I smell them or notice that they have pooped just in case.

    I have twins and diapers are expensive!

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