
If you set your Q&A to private can the people who add you as a contact or fan still see them?

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I don't have any contacts or fans. However, someone has added me as a contact. I have my question and answers set to private. Can someone who adds me as a contact or fan still see them?




  1. Yes they can see them it even let them know every time you ask a question so they can answer it. I keep mine private as well but I allow contacts to connect I take it as a compliment.

  2. No, only you can see them ths is why they are private.  

  3. Yes if someone adds you as a contact they can see your questions, there is a setting in your profile where you can tell it you do not want to allow anyone to add you as a contact that is the only way to keep everything private, users have requested that you be able to approve your contacts but yahoo has not giving us that yet so this is the only answer.  

    Kris …

    No once a question is resolved you cannot delete it …. Sorry.

    Edit: maybe you should try to set your profile to private again I clicked on it and I can see you Q&A, so it is not private right now.

  4. I'm pretty sure they can, I added someone once that had everything set to private, I can now see their q's and a's.

    The only way to stop people from adding you is to take off the setting that allows people to add you, but then that means that all of your contacts get deleted as well, since you don't have any that might be your best bet.

    You can also block this person and they won't be able to see anything you post. That's if you're worried about it :)

    EDIT: You need to remove them as a contact first before blocking them. (Remove contact will show up when you hover over their picture, this works for both contacts and fans)

  5. No, they can't. But what I really want to know is if you can erase them. I don't want to look at them anymore. They are depressing and sad and they bring me back to a worse time. Does anyone know how I can do that? Do I have to erase my profile and build another one? email me!  

  6. i believe so, people seen mine and its private

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