
If you s*x wasnt enjoyed does it became the reasonn for you to get dumped?

by  |  earlier

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me and my co teacher watch death race tonight and i saw my bf who told me he is just confused and need time to think with some new girl who stays with him on the hotel the day he sent you home..Now i felt like evrything he said was all lies..and to think that the girl cmes from a bar..I was thinking it is because of i lacked of s*x experience.When we bumped in the movie house i approach him like we were just friends and i ask the girl where she from and how they met she told me she was from a bar and they have been together for like 10 days counting back it was the day i left him cause he said he is confused and miss someone else.

Bf is a black american, 37 years old, Im 23 , he always visit here in my country every six month. he is an air force officer.When we separated he said im pretty and s**y and intelligent so its not about me why he is confused.Was it about s*x? Will you dumped a woman cause of that?Now i felt like he have lied to me all this time..Sad cause i adore and admire him..




  1. Alright, firstly you girls should know if a guy is 37 years old and not married, he's trouble.

    Guys like this say compliments just to get in your pant.

    He is your boyfriend, why is he seeing another girl?

    Why aren't you mad?

    I don't care if my girl has no experience in s*x.  She can learn.  I wouldn't leave her if she gave bad s*x.  Love is love and you should only have s*x when you love somebody so much that you want to give them pleasure.


    Sorry, you have bad grammar......... for a teacher.

    I didn't understand much.

  2. You are a teacher?  Where the h**l are your capital letters and period girl?

    From what I gathered, if you dumped him, he is fair game.  It may have been s*x, it may simply be that he didn't feel connected with you.

  3. This guy did you a big favor, he released you from his prison!  He does not deserve you, and you deserve so much better!  Don't let him ruin you, keep your chin up and you will find someone who appreciates you for who you are.

  4. Sounds like you picked a player honey...sorry Just move on with your life, you'll be better for it.

  5. You left him and are wondering why he is with another woman? You dumped him. Get over it and move on.

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