
If you smack a pit bull with a newspaper, will it whine?

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What if you roll up a National Enquirer to discipline that dog?

And what if you put lipstick on that pit bull? Would it truly whine or would it be faking?




  1. I know one thing, I would sure like for her to put the jaw lock on me.

  2. Women are good at faking ;-)

    Oh yes, Oh yes, Oh yes!!

  3. It might bite back and then you can have it put away. ;-])

    Gonna be interesting.

    OBAMA-BIDEN 2008

  4. Do you moan a fake o****m?  Such a stupid question deserved a stupid answer.  Of course you do.

  5. No but it might **** all over the floor.

  6. I liked Palin's joke about lipstick and the pit bull.  But after she said it all I could think of is what people say when they are trying to cover something up.  The say:  "Let's put some lipstick on that pig."  Then I began wondering if Palin is the lipstick that Steve Schmidt put on the pig that is McCain's candidacy.  Kinda makes ya think, doncha know.

  7. You smack a pit-bull with a paper, chance are, the pit-bull will come back and bite you!

    Wanna try, I have three!

    MCCAIN / PALIN  2008

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