
If you smile at a stranger in the street and they don't return the smile how do you get your smile back?

by  |  earlier

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1) dirty look

2) spitting at their feet

3) slap

(i want my smile back)




  1. go smile in a mirror if you're so greedy about your smiles

  2. dirty look//glare.

    but usually i dont smile at strangers unless they look REALLY friendly, or they smile first.

  3. 4) Kick him in the gnads

    or if its a girl

    Tell her it was pity smile, cuz she has a giant zit on her nose

  4. 4.  Trip them, then when they are down kick them repeatedly in the kidney area.   Peeing blood makes one very repentant

  5. Hah, I just ignore them and walk on.  

  6. Pee in their shoes.  

  7. if they saw you do it, you have to go up to them, and l**k it off their eyes.  if you'd like to add in the ole 1.2.3. ,up there,  that's up to you.  

  8. I have learned not to smile at people in the street, you could end up with a stalker..

  9. I just say, "well you have a nice day, too."  I enjoy making people feel small.

  10. Just make another one - it's easy enough.

  11. let them keep it, it cost me nothing and maybe they will use it to smile at someone else and make them happy

  12. 4) ask them kindly....

  13. Just keep smiling

  14. No, I just stick my tongue out at them behind their back, making myself feel for an instant how they must feel constantly.

  15. 4) shank


  16. I normally swear at them - it's bad manners I know, but I can't seem to help it.

  17. 4 ignore them  

  18. i'd just let them keep it cause they probably are in need of a smile

  19. Nothing. I have other things to smile at and about.  

  20. lol...

    i forget about it...I smile for myself..i make myself understand that its their problem that they doesn't wanna smile and just be good...

  21. Follow them around, leering at them.

    I'll get my damned smile back.

  22. Just think how petty and uptight they are and turn your frown upside down, big smile and a wee pointy thing for your sorrows x*x I usually reply to a non reply with a pokey out tongue, makes me feel better !!! Not child-ish but child-like x Failing that forget it, their loss hunny x

  23. scratch my cheek discreetly with my longest finger.

  24. 4.  Run after them and say "Oh, you didn't like my smile?!  Well, smile at this a*****e" and then grab my crotch.

    I really should live in New York.  I think I'd fit in fine.

  25. I'm giving you one right now!  :)

  26. all the above in order

  27. I wouldnt do any. haha. I could careless.  

  28. 4) Bite the curb

    -I gots to get my teeth back  

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