
If you spay a pure breed beagle, will she get bigger? Does spaying make her bigger?

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I don't know if i want to breed her once and spay her, or just spay her. When is the best time to spay her. I heard it was at least a year. She is just a lill girl she is only 8 weeks old. My husband wants to breed her ounce and then spay her. I don't know yet. I don't know anything about breeding, so i might need help. Thank you readers!




  1. You should allow her to go through at least one or two heats before you breed or spay her.  Messy but...  She will be about a year then.  Spaying is basically a hysterectomy (like for humans) and females tend to put on weight then because of the lack of hormones...just like humans...but with the correct diet and exercise she should not get a lot bigger.  

  2. the dog can be spayed any time after 8 weeks of age.  these are the benefits of spayed dog to consider: reduces risk of certain illnesses, reduces pet overpopulation, saves you from dealing with males who are wildly attracted, you don't have to choose between a dog in sanitary pads or mess all over your house and eliminates the rather unattractive (read: totally offensive) odor.  Hope these things would help you decide if you're going to spay your pup or still want to breed first before spaying.  If you want to know more about spaying a female dog, click on this link:

  3. they do get really fat after being spayed. and it is best to let them have at least one litter before doing so.

  4. this link is all about pros and cons of spaying a dog

    6 months is the best age.. every heat cycle they have puts them at risk for problems later..

    this is an excellent link about being a breeder - for sure read it!

    she will still grow after being spayed provided she isnt spayed after her growing is finished anyhow.

    read both links they are terrific!

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