
If you spent nearly £600 million on your Premier League team.....

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Would you be happy with 2 league Championships, 1 league cup and an FA cup? Oh and a Charity Shield?




  1. I'd hang myself

  2. It's not your money so why worry.

  3. No I would be as furious  as Abramovich.

  4. Nah, for £600 million id expect domination, and Brazilian style Football, but football just doesn't work like that.

  5. Yes and by that i think you are referring to Chelsea...

    The European would be the death of that team... Climbing the mountain but never reaching the top...

  6. Money cannot be exchanged for success. If Abramovich invested thinking that he could then he was very stupid. Money can buy stability and better training facilites etc(ie improve the club) but it cannot buy trophies.

    You don't invest into a football club to see financial or trophey returns-You do it to enjoy running a football club.

    Chelsea's success under the Abramovich era has been mainly down to team spirit. The money has helped put a team of super stars out but it hasn't bought them trophies.

  7. are you crazy man i would expect my team to absolutely everything including the champions league. if not i would hang myself Go CHELSEA

  8. He's actually spent just over £400m, but that doesn't make it much better does it?

  9. I don't get why Chelsea bashing is here. Buying the Premiership started with United, not Chelsea

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