
If you spill something in a store, can they FORCE you to clean it up?

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I dropped a 6 pack of sprite at dollar general and instead of just leaving i told the cashier so he told me to wait there and disappeared for like 5 minutes, and came back with a mop and bucket of water. then he made me lead him to it and told me to clean it up. i was like WTF?




  1. no its their responsibility. if you was to get hurt while cleaning it up the store would have to be liable. i would have contacted store management and gave them the scoop.

  2. NO!  It's their "duty" as employees to take care of any messes and hazards on the premesis.. You should have taken the mop and fallen on the floor!  That'll teach em'!    I would call the corporate hotline and tell someone!

    Good luck

  3. No, they should not have made you clean it up. Maybe you should report it to the manager or something.

  4. You should asked him if his workmans comp would have covered you. That was risky on his part, had you slipped and fell while cleaning, you could have owned that store.

  5. Obviously, they don't value you as a customer.

  6. The only time in my three years of retail that I ever made a customer clean something up was at Wal Mart, a lady came in with a dog that she claimed she was training to be a guide dog. She only had it on a chain leash, I was doubtful from the start. Five seconds later, lo and behold, it pees on the floor (very close to my clothes display, too--ick!). I sprayed disinfectant all over and handed her some paper towels, then set up the wet spill cones (Wal Mart's prepared). I let management know about it, and they came over to check it out.

    Two minutes later, the dog poops. I suggested she leave (I was pissed) but she said no, she had to teach her dog. Um, petting your dog = discipline? I called my manager back over, they made her pick it up, and they kicked her out of the store.

    I don't think they can make you clean anything up, but it depends how upset they are. I was mad!!!

  7. no, but they can make you pay for it.

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