
If you sprint, then you jog for a long time and then you sprint again suddenly can u hurt yourself?

by  |  earlier

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i used to sprint then i began runnig long distances for a long time. THen i began sprinting suddenly and i hurt my hip really bad. Need help




  1. Thers is one area you do not want to injure and that is yor hamstring. Doing what you have just asked does not help that cause and off topic but remember to stretch. I found that out the hard way.

  2. Yes, it if you run and/or jog into a tree.

  3. well thats probably not what it was about. I get where your coming from here but i think the main thing that coulda caused your injury was probably not stretching enough. But if you were stretching then i would say you just kinda overused your muscles. it happens and it's not big deal. You will heal and then you can get back to sprinting or long distance.

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