
If you stand on a train track do you get electrocuted?

by  |  earlier

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i really want to know,

because i'm terrified i'll fall of the edge at the station and die.




  1. maybe not. but you'll get run slap over.

  2. Perhaps, but you might easily get hit by a train and die.

  3. dont try it. young people are reading this.

  4. I believe the answer is no, to normal above ground trains... i believe just the third rail in subways is electrified.

    (but i would'nt go jumping on to the tracts to test this)

  5. Mythbusters actually tested whether relieving oneself on the third rail could electrocute you. They came to the conclusion that from a reasonable distance the stream breaks up too quickly to carry the current required to kill you.

    Mythbusters has a history of being wrong. Mythbusters concluded that bullets fired up into the air cannot kill people on their way down. Despite Mythbuster's conclusion, falling bullets regularly do hurt and kill people. A quick review of medial literature would have confirmed the myth

  6. I notice birds do it without getting electrocuted. but they land with both feet on the rail at the same time. I think it is possible if we jump on and off at landing on both feet at the same time.  I will not put this to the test  I want my telegram from the Sovereign on my 100th birthday.   The safest way is to stay well away from the third rail which is always live even if trains are not running. however if you fall offthe platform onto the third rail yiou will die. It would take some doing because the live rail is the one furthest away from you

  7. If you land on the power or third rail and touch either of the other two rails, you're fried. If you land on just the third rail and don't touch ANYTHING else, you'll be okay. The moment you touch the ground or another rail, you're fried.

    Für Elise – Support the Cancer & Heart Foundations

  8. stay back a way from it till train comes only cross in corect places be safe!!

  9. Only if the train is operated by electricity.

    Of course, if you fall, you might die from the concussion.

  10. On all trains (Subway Amtrack and etc) there are three main lines that the train is attached to.

    One is the track, where the wheels are attached to the ground.

    The main sourse for subway and certain trains Power is Cintrifical Force power motion from the third rail. the Power to the train is forced though the 3rd rail to provide the movement.

  11. yea, like 30 bazillion watts are running through those things. depends if the tracks are active or not though.

  12. just stay away from that 3rd rail

  13. only the third rail!

  14. Yes, if you touched the right rail, you would electrocuted, and if that did happen, it is more then likely that you will die.

    I doubt it will happen though, it is very rare.

    People usually get electrocuted by making contact with a train track after attempting suicide or dangerously messing about with their mates.

    If you are sensible, then chances are this will not happen.

    It is very uncommon. . . .

  15. NO.... you can't! Don't worry! The only way you can die by train is if you stand right in front of it and let it hit you. Even though the rails are metal the train doesn't run on electricity. So you don't have to be afraid if you fall on the tracks you will not die unless you just lay there.

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