
If you start feeling down, what do you do to bring yourself up?

by Guest63870  |  earlier

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What works for you?

(Not a marriage & divorce question specifically, but I love this crowd. Your answers are serious and helpful, so thanks in advance!)




  1. i find the funniest songs ever and turn them up all the way. mostly DDR songs (theres one called waka laka) and they make me laugh and feel much better about being away from home. i just moved a week ago to college and even though im an hour away from home, i can't go home all the time.

    also, I go out with my roomies to lunch

  2. I think of happy times!

  3. Shopping!!!!

  4. Punch a pillow, curse and scream into pillows, and take a jog :)

  5. I play my music.  I don't mean ipods or any of that stuff, I PLAY....

    I am an ol' hill billy girl, I guess, and play a dulcimer.  Easy instrument to learn but it takes a lifetime to master.  I play all the old songs that make me remember the old folks, or the sad times, or the ol' fun fiddle tunes....

    I guess I CREATE something, to answer your question.  Bring something out of your heart and soul, lay it out there for any and all to hear or see.....or maybe just for you.

    But what makes me feel the absolute best is to play "Amazing Grace".  Maybe I play it 10 times.  But when I'm done, I feel waaaayyy better!

    Hope this helps your mind!

  6. welll here is a little song i wrote and um well you might want to sing it note for note:  Dont Worry Be happy

    In every life we have some trouble

    When you worry you make it double

    Don't worry, be happy......

    Ain't got no place to lay your head

    Somebody came and took your bed

    Don't worry, be happy

    The land lord say your rent is late

    He may have to litigate

    Don't worry, be happy

    Lood at me I am happy

    Don't worry, be happy

    Here I give you my phone number

    When you worry call me

    I make you happy

    Don't worry, be happy

    Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style

    Ain't got not girl to make you smile

    But don't worry be happy

    Cause when you worry

    Your face will frown

    And that will bring everybody down

    So don't worry, be happy (now).....

    There is this little song I wrote

    I hope you learn it note for note

    Like good little children

    Don't worry, be happy

    Listen to what I say

    In your life expect some trouble

    But when you worry

    You make it double

    Don't worry, be happy......

    Don't worry don't do it, be happy

    Put a smile on your face

    Don't bring everybody down like this

    Don't worry, it will soon past

    Whatever it is

    Don't worry, be happy

    kinda long but good advice :)

  7. i eat some gummy bears and watch my favorite tv shows for a couple of hours. that usually relaxes me

  8. One of my favorite things to do is to think of the prettiest place that is somewhat near my home...within an hour or so...

    Then I tell whoever I need to tell that I am leaving for a while.

    I drive to that spot alone, just me and a really great playlist blasting in my car. I jam while I am on my way to the spot...And when I get there I just take in the beauty and try to get my childish innocence back. Giggle at the small things...and entertain myself.

    May sound silly..but I love doing it

  9. I may be a grown man... but I love Post Secret. It's purpose and creativity is amazing. Most of the postcards are very inspiring and I love reading them.

  10. honestly i'm such a loner and i'm telling you, being alone is bad. it will only make you more depressed. surround yourself with people you love that make you happy. Sometimes i do childish stuff like sing and dance to up beat music in the mirror. yes lame, but it makes me feel better. do whatever will take your mind off the problem.

  11. I exercise. I set up a kick *** song list and go for a run. After that I watch TV and have a couple everytime...which thankfully is not often because generally I'm a pretty happy person.

  12. i play with my dog and i go to the gym... exercise can boost you..thats proven! or watch silly videos on youtube. I hope she will feel better!

  13. I pray...If I'm crying, I get all the tears and sadness out my system and pray. I may also sing and dance and be silly. It usually makes me laugh.

    I would probably talk to someone who I know truly loves me to make me feel better. I may also write too. Its a good way to express yourself if you dont want to talk.

  14. I call my mom!  (seriously)

  15. It depends, if I have extra money-  purchase a pretty new outfit, get my hair done and with great perfume and make-up I go out, to a place where people are around ..even just a Borders or the mall and see how many people glance over and have a conversation  . It is fun, and in a safe environment. No extra money, I will drive with music and sing along, to a pretty view (ocean, lake, park etc..) sit with a delicious Starbucks.. At home, watch an inspirational movie. Take a pet for a walk or play in the park with a child. Make up a nice bed, clean sheets that smell like fresh meadow (or Tide lol) take a luxurious bath or shower snuggle into nice PJ's with a good book and enjoy the comfort of that freshly made bed, knowing tomorrow will be a better day. If all else fails...chocolate of course (followed next day by some sit ups-lol)  

  16. I think about how blessed i am to have seen another day. I say no matter what a S****y day, not as bad as not being here.ya know!

  17. drink! ha ha usually doesnt work that well though

  18. It sounds kinda lame, but usually I just make my favorite food and watch some silly videos of cats or dogs haha, they're just so cute they're guaranteed to make me smile at least for a bit. Or I vent to my best friend, watch my favorite movie or do something to take my mind off feeling sad.

  19. Drink and smoke a s#%* load of pot!

  20. play with my son.

  21. I go shopping and decorate my house. I go into another world. I don't answer the phones or e-mails or even a knock on the door I need time out from pressure and demands. so I allow myself time out. There isn't anything wrong with feeling depressed that is the best medicine in the world to reevaluate your self and maybe your spouse , children or job etc. sometimes I think good comes out of it. I don't think life was meant to be always happy and loving and blissful . It's a gift as long as the depression doesn't last for to long .

  22. Not that I am proud of this, but I go shopping! Buying clothes/shoes makes me feel better! Pathetic. Working out also helps get out any frustration.

  23. I UsUaLLy ReAD A BoOk, pLaY a PuzZle,GaMe oR JuSt MeSs ArOuNd WiTh My OnLiNE FrEaKz xD

  24. kill an emo. That's life.

  25. I tan I love love love tanning in the beds even though I know it causes cancer and is very bad for your skin but I love relaxing for that 20 mins meditating, praying, reflecting the day or just taking that warm cozy nap then my skin is all pretty and tan it makes me feel awesome ;~)

    Sorry if you are feeling down ;~(  Cheer up lady ;~)

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