
If you start gymnastics when you are 13 can you do college gymnastics?

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If you start gymnastics when you are 13 can you do college gymnastics?




  1. if you r good

  2. if your good enough

  3. It really depends on your natural talent and how hard you work. If you work hard at gymnastics and keep praticing then you can do it. If you can believe it you can achive it :] hehe corny moment. But it's true. Just always remember why you want to do collage gymnastics. Don't keep doing it because you feel like you have to. Do it if you want to. And remember along the way you are going to feel like you want to quit sometimes but just keep your goal in mind =)

  4. Yeah you can. You might not get into one of the really good teams, but you can still get onto a solid team. Just train really hard and never give up.

  5. if you work hard but it's probably unlikely

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