
If you stayed alone in the world. What would you do?

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If you stayed alone in the world. What would you do?




  1. I guess take up farming so I would not starve

  2. I would move into the hugest mansion I would find, get all of the clothes and jewelry that I have always wanted, and eat the finest food ever.  Basically speaking, I am going to live life the way I want to live it.  Just like that Walter Grip dude from the Ray Bradbury story from The Martian Chronicles.

  3. Nap

  4. I would eat every thing I want and don't care about my weight.

  5. Depends what was at my disposal!!!

  6. Read. Eat. Chill out.

  7. surf the chat lines.

  8. Befriend the animals, become like Dr. Dolittle or Tarzan.

  9. I would make a trip throughout the Americas... boy that would be wicked... though I could do it today.. I wouldn't be as scared... would be fun...

  10. What would I be able to do? Humans are naturally social beings. I would die. I would probably lose my mind from not having anybody to help and talk to me. No way would I be able to support myself. Americans have forgotten how to make their own food, clothes, washing, homes, transportation, etc. without the help of machines. Anyway, what is the point of being the only one left?

  11. i've thought of this, pick a suitable big house, store it with food and water and other goods, make sure i have firewood for the winter, if needed. everything i would need would be at the house, pool food and fun. that would be my security, because i would be alone.

  12. Sing at the top of my lungs not caring how bad I sound (well I would but it wouldn't matter), blare my music and watch movies that I cry to. But mostly sing and play the piano.

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