
If you stop Celexa do you get severe depression?

by  |  earlier

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I have ran out of celexa for about a week now and for about four days had dangerous depression. I am trying to figure out if that is celexa causing that or if i am just losing my mind.




  1. Yikes!  That can be really uncomfortable for you, physically!  You should get in touch with your doctor and tell him/her what's going on.  

  2. Stopping any SSRI cold turkey is going to lead to problems, depression being one of them.  If you have depression, and it's being controlled by celexa, when you stop celexa.....YOU'RE GOING TO GET DEPRESSED.

    Call your doc, get a script filled, get back on it, go to therapy, help yourself get better.

  3. If the Celexa is controlling your depression then stopping it will allow it to return.

    The best thing to do is let your doctor or psychiatrist know about it.

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