
If you suck in your stomach/abs all day,is it a workout?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a dancerr and we have to do this (of course) every secound we are standing/dancing.i don't suck in like out of dance of anything. but if i did would it help your fitness,and give you a workout?! :) thanks.




  1. Not really, and it screws up you breathing.  You should see your stomach move out as you inhale and back in on the exhale.

  2. I wouldn't call it a workout but it will keep your stomach muscles strong.

  3. If you had pretty good stomach muscles to begin with... It could help keep them tight.

  4. Yes. Yes it is. If you keep your muscles tensed all the time. It is working out the ab muscles and also stabilizing your spine. So it is a work out.

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