
If you suffer OCD, do your rituals &/or unwanted thoughts frustrate you enough to make you cry or lose temper?

by  |  earlier

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That's going on with me right now. I'm crying right now because I'm frustrated & tired of these thoughts. Yes, I see a psychiatrist & take Luvox-300 mg.




  1. Yes that can definetally happen, have you talked to your psychiatrist about this yet?  You should.  Its important for them to know everything in order to fully understand and help you.  Also, OCD and many other disorders are/can be related with depression so to make sure you are not depressed you should also talk to your psychiatrist about that.  Good luck sweetie!

  2. yup, you're experiencing extreme CAN learn to control the temper part...I know life can be difficult and seem unfair but trust me, losing your temper only fans the flame and makes it me, you CAN control it, just try being more mindful of your aggression and over time, if you put an effort into it to control it and make an effort to try and calm down when you're pissed off, you can learn to be more serene in that manner...I am speaking for first hand experience...I used to put my fist through walls all the time out of my anger towards my anxiety and feeling very frustrated...I no longer do these things...I can be crabby but that is as far as it goes....try it...

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